Soldier Fly Grubs vs Mealworms


Sep 21, 2020
Bergen County New Jersey
I recently bought a huge bag of soldier fly larvae which my girls love but not quite as much as the old standby Mealworms. I have heard that mealworms are really fattening and you should only feed a tiny bit. The company I bought the black soldier fly larvae from says that they are actually GOOD for them. That they have tons of calcium and you can give a couple of handfuls a couple of times a day. Does anyone know if such a wide contrast is true from a nutritional standpoint?
Sorry about all of my nutrition questions today
Well, from a commercial standpoint, they’re definitely going to tell you that they’re good for them. Lol. It sells the product.
As to which is better or has more nutritional value, I can’t comment. I’ve tried to research, but basically I just buy whatever is handy that day. Lol.
And all things in moderation.... usually. Lol
From my reading and you can do your own here. Sorry about the fact there are basically no studies comparing mealworm meal vs Black solider fly meal. In general, from my reading their doesn't seem to be much difference.

Most studies with black solider fly larva and hens are not using the larva as their source of protein, but as their source of fat, as even though they have many healthy benefits, they still are very fatty so make a great alternative fat option.

Studies looking at using black solider fly as a true protein source, "defatted" the larva and made it into meal, these studies are only done on boilers.

As an alternative protein source there seemed to make little difference between BSF and other protein, though it is important to keep in find this isn't looking at long term effects, just metal levels, breast growth, and yellow fat level. Overall, unless the BSF protein can be sourced cheaper than fish protein there isn't much reason to switch it.

What I am finding in my research is that black solider fly is being recommended more than mealworms because a few reasons.

1. China has a better climate for mealworms so they are the ones that mass produce most of the mealworms found. The issue with this is the possible pathogens and bacteria that local chickens would be weak against.
2. Most mealworms found at stores are not dried properly, they are made hollow by the process and all nutritional benefit is lost.
3. Mealworms can only eat specific items, black solider fly larva can be fed and can thrive in almost any compost situation including manure.

In general, if you are making sure your mealworms or black solider fly are from a company properly drying them, or feeding live. And you are making sure they are locally sourced, then there really isn't going to be that much of a difference nutritionally. They also should not be a main food source unless you are doing broilers.
For my chickens I feed BSF (grubbies brand) as a calcium supplement and treat in the hot weather and mealworms before night in the cold to help them generate heat at night. I still provide oyster shell and cuttle bone. I don't give them handfuls like the Company promotes 🙂 Just 10-15 per bird approximately.

For my quail I am much more generous with the grubbies, especially my laying hens. They have such short lives and lay daily so I feel like they deserve to be a tad spoiled.
Well, from a commercial standpoint, they’re definitely going to tell you that they’re good for them. Lol. It sells the product.
As to which is better or has more nutritional value, I can’t comment. I’ve tried to research, but basically I just buy whatever is handy that day. Lol.
And all things in moderation.... usually. Lol
I know - I was thinking Hmmmmm how much of this is truth versus marketing, but you're right - if I keep to the moderation theme maybe Fancy Pant's pants will not be dirty pants!

Which One Is Better As Feeders?​

Though mealworms have traditionally been the go-to choice for poultry owners, black soldier fly larvae make better feeders in almost every way.

The latter is simply a healthier treat for chickens due to being farmed under stricter regulations.

Of course, its balanced calcium/phosphorus ratio is a huge plus as well. Hens feeding on black soldier fly larvae have stronger feathers, bones, and eggshells.
An altogether better source of information on these things is Insects: A Potential Source of Protein and Other Nutrients for Feed and Food, an "overview of insect physiology and growth regulation, considers the requirements for insect farming and mass production, and summarizes the nutritional value of the 10 most commonly studied insect species, before reviewing the literature on the use of insects as feed and food" from 2021, which can be found here

It compares mealworms, superworms, black soldier fly larvae, housefly larvae, silkworms, wax moths, 2 types of cricket and locusts, and gives references to provide the source for what is said, so you can read up the details and get into the weeds on any particular bit of it that really interests you.

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