Solo chick


9 Years
Apr 14, 2010
Against my better judgement, I picked up one lonely buff Orpington chick with my 3 ducklings. They have been together in the same brooder for a few days now. The chick is getting run over a bit, but they cuddle and keep each other company. My concern is the giant wet mess the ducklings are making. I have an order of 15 chicks arriving Tuesday. If I separate the buff Orpington until Tuesday when the other chicks arrive would she be too lonely? It's only 4 days, could I keep her happy by just having outside of the brooder play dates with ducklings and a little stuffed animal cuddle buddy in the brooder?
I would keep chick separate from ducklings as they might injure her. put her in a small brooder next to them w/small stuffed animal until chicks arrive next week. She should be fine til then. When other chicks sense weakness in one chick they will bully up. That's my experience anyway.
Thanks for your reply!
Solved the problem using a little chick/duckling math. Went out and bought two more ducklings, moved them to a new brooder. And picked up one more chick to keep the buff Orpington company until the other 15 chicks arrive on Tuesday ;)

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