Some of my girls are gone! Saw the evil one!

aww, I am so sorry for your loss and I hope you catch the predator soon!

*edited for spelling
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The girl I thought was missing/gone showed up last night and is now safely in the coop, Romeo is still gone though
, Baby Broody is still on the run though she is roosting in the tree in a place I can't get to.
But she is still safe today and I'm going to have my little sister try to help me round her up, when it cools down.
Dang. That's awful. We've lost a total of 4 to coyotes this year. Weird thing is, it was two at a time that would come up missing - during the day. Had been letting them range when we were at work, but no more! It's almost as if they were saying to each other "alright, the humans are gone, let's move in and get a chicken dinner!". To top things off, our neighbors are now feeding a mama coon with about 5 babies (aww, they're so cute!) Ugh. They should know better too, as they used to keep chickens just a few years back and he would have to coon hunt at night. My husband has already told them that if he catches any of the coons around our chickens that they're goners. These are lovely, but clueless people. No more free eggies for you! Good luck keeping the rest of your flock safe. I know how maddening this is.

I had problems too with coons in the past with my pheasants. A friend suggested to put tin up around the coop. I found a bunch of old corrugated tin from a shed that was torn down years ago and the farmer didn't know what to do with it. I nailed the tin around my coop and haven't had a coon problem since. The tin works three ways, first to keep the coons from seeing into the coop, second keeps them from trying to climb the sides to get in, and third keeps my birds from seeing potential predators roaming around the coop and spooking them. Pheasants are very flighty birds and usually take off flying when ever they are threatened. The tin sure helped alot to keep the coons out and the birds calmer.
Im in the same boat, i lost 14 to a raccoon attack this week. I have moved them inside until I get the coop fixed up and coon safe. My hubbie is in the Army so its just me, the kids & the critters. But I will win. The raccoons will not get their paws on another one of my babies!
I sure am glad that you are on our side,you know how to deal with a bad situation and do the job,,,congrats,,I wish coons was not so chicken hungry,,they are beutiful animals but almost impossible to keep out of our coops
I took a pencil and paper out last night to get a total head count. and here it is:

Flock Roosters=2
Hens =21
BR- Juliet and Dolly
EE- Baby Broody, Torn-up, and Grey
BA/EE-Black and Black/Red
RIR-Fred and George
5 CMs
WL/EE-a Muffed/bearded and a non-
WL- Vanna
EE/BR- a Muffed/bearded and a non-
2 BAs

Extra Roosters=6
3 EE/BRs
2 WL/EEs

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