Some people are so uneducated!!! Read this.

I posted a comment on the site for their reading pleasure!
Yes. That's why city taxes are so high: to diaper the pigeons. They also diaper crows too.

Actually, because Detroit is turning into a post-Apocalyptic world a la I Am Legend, pheasants and ruffed grouse have actually made their way back into the abandoned and overgrown areas of the city.
Well, I guess all us chicken owners are just a bunch of un-educated, barefoot hillbillies! Oh, well, I'd rather be a barefoot hillbilly with chickens (and ducks, goats, dogs, and cats) than an uptight suburban yuppie. I am just thankful that I live way out in the country on 5 acres, and don't have to worry about someone petitioning about whether or not I can have chickens, and therefore have fresh, organic eggs. God bless America!
I recently had a woman tell me that she would not eat free range eggs because "those chickens eat bugs" and that is why she will only eat store bought eggs.
I respected the last lady who talked in the video. I dont agree with her in that she doesnt like chickens, but she admitted that they werent educated enough about chickens to make the right decision.
I've heard this too!!!!! And all other sorts of hullabaloo about chicken's being nasty and dirty, and 'fresh eggs' have poop and dirt on them. I'm like "Really? You'd prefer to eat chicken meat and eggs that have who knows in them - antibiotics or steroids (and yes they do still use these in production chickens-do not try to tell me they don't) that probably canabalize each other because of being stuffed in little cages together? REALLY? Does your store eggs come out of poopless chickens? They just spray theirs down after they come through the bottom of the cages and down the conveyor belts.... My chickens are healthy, happy, CLEAN, and produce TASTY eggs - store bought eggs have no flavor compared to free ranging chicken. But - to each their own lady/sir."

UGH people kill me.
No need to purchase beverages when you'll make yourself punch drunk by face palming yourself so many times while reading the paper.

I prefer to enjoy my drinks and that means not reading the paper. It is a waste of good stuff (and it isn't pleasant) when it shoots out your nose while you read some of the stories.


What a great idea poopless chickens. Is this a breed that needs to be developed or does it already exist?

If it exists then we have a complete solution to the problems caused by the oh, they smell contingent.
I think the naysayers should have to visit an egg farm before they are allowed to open their mouths. I used to work on an egg farm and I can tell you that backyard chickens are much more healthy than these farms in so many different ways. I also find it hard to believe that 6 chickens are so much more dangerous (healthwise) than say 3 large dogs and roaming cats and don't get me started on the flying rats (pigeons).

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