Someone dropped off some chickens at my house...

Lucky you! Now you CAN have chickens! They are beautiful by the way.
Have fun with them, I know you will. By the way,
from S. Florida! Its great to have you here with us!
from PA! What a great way to get a kick start into BYC! Those are beautiful birds and hopefully they will give you some wonderful eggs. I agree you have 2 hens and a roo.

Good luck!
The red one is a New Hampshire Red. Looks like you have two hens and a roo there. The roo is a blue cochin, and the other white hen is a white cochin. They should make exxcellent pets for you. The cochin probbaly won't be the best layer, but the NHR should lay some nice brown eggs!
I dont know of any red chicken breed that has white ear lobes except red leghorns and the comb is not right for that. I am guessing she is some type of cross.
Wow! Thank you for all the responses and welcomes to the board! This is just such a great site. I'm sure I'll be spending many hours reading and learning from the articles and this forum.

I am so happy the other 2 are hens! And it's also nice to hear they may be young yet! So far, no eggs, so besides finding themselves in a new living situation, maybe it's more due to being young.

Isn't that strange someone would drop them off then?! I was expecting that were all roosters in a way, just because I can see where someone may want to cut down on roosters... But I still can't see just turning anything out like that. I have the word out I found them and have asked all the neighbors and they all think they were just dropped off, so I'm really hoping no one claims them! haha!

The 2 large ones are somewhat tame and the little red one is faster and a little more leery of me, but it's only been one day, so I'll keep trying to handle them. I'm just glad the rooster is calm and not aggressive to me, so I'll try handling him a little too.

Now I'm off to go study up on the breeds and the chicken coop plans you have here. We will be getting some cold weather soon, so I'd better be ready!

Thanks again for all the great info!

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