someone gave me chicks what breed (pic heavy)

if they came from the bangor store the black ones are australorps the other ones could be golden comets i was in just before easter and they had sold out of chicks by the time i got back to the store with some more money was going to buy a dozen of them but didnt have enuff cash on me after i had paid for my dog food and within the 25 min drive they had sold out so i ordered a batch of jersey giants from them got them on may 3rd lol
The buff ones look like Golden Comets. Mine feathered in white on their wings first, red later.
They aren't as red as red sex links, they are yellow and buff.
I was a bit wishy washey on id'ing them until I looked veeeery closely. You actually have more than two varieties. One of your little light colored ones is a golden comet/sex-link. You can tell because she'll have two little caramel colored racing stripes down her back.

The other two buffs are hard to tell, if I had to put money down, I'd say Buff Orpingtons. (not RIR, those look completely different, and MUCH darker coloring with almost barred wings coming in at first).

The blacks are most likely black sex links. There is a possibility that like the buffs, you have more than one variety, and have both Australop and Black sex links.

Your extended family has good taste in laying birds, even if they had no idea what they were doing when they bought them!
Here are australorps at 3 days. I don't think the black ones look like them...


Here are my BO's at 3 days.

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