Someone keeps making complaints about my chickens! (Update post #222!)

If you get rid of the chickens, this neighbor will complain about something else. Your grass will be too high, there will be weeds in the alley. your dog will be scaring them.

First you need to find out who is causing the problem. That will not be easy. Mention to one neighbor that the turkeys will be delivered next Thursday. Tell another neighbor that the goats will be coming next Thursday. Tell another neighbor that the Vietnamese pot bellied pig will be coming next Thursday. If you still have suspects, tell then the geese will be coming in on Thursday. Then there are the guinea hens.

Then on Thursday, have a pot of coffee and some pastries ready for the inspectors. Just wait to find out what animal they are going to be checking for.

This will let you know who the rat is.

Second, the best defense is a good offense. Keep track of the comings and goings of the complaining neighbor. Write down the license plate numbers and make and model of all cars coming and going. Note the times of arrival and departure. Make no bones about what you are doing.

If they burn trash, report them. If they leave their garbage can out too long, report them. If they have service people over to do work or tend the yard, call immigration and report them. If their dog runs loose or barks, report them.

Finally, they will realize that they have more to loose than you do.

Good Luck,

Hahahaha!! Now THAT is a clever idea!!!
Just be sure to remember whom you told what!! lol
I don't know about the OP's state, but in Nebraska, it is perfectly legal to tape record a conversation that you actively a part of. I researched to laws on it when I had trouble with my idiot neighbor and their dogs just in case I had to tape something. I never did need to make a recording because they didn't call me, but it would have been legal.
Nothing else has happened, except yesterday we got a random letter in the mail with an official seal. It said that all chickens must be in cages and they will be here to see if we comply on October 2nd. (Did I already post about this?)

That's not what the ordinance says at all.

This is it, copied and pasted.

Sec. 4-10. Fowl going at large.
(a) No person owning or having in his custody and control any fowl shall permit same to run at large, or to go upon the grounds or property of another, or beyond the bounds of the property of such owner or person in control of such fowl.
(b) Any person who shall violate any provision of this section shall be fined not less than one dollar ($1.00) nor more than twenty-five dollars ($25.00) for each offense.
State law references: Strays and animals running at large, KRS ch. 259.

No where on there does it say anything about having chickens caged. Does it?? If the chickens are in my fenced in backyard, they aren't running at large. And beyond that, they're inside of a fence within my fenced in yard. Their wings are clipped, and the ones that climb the fence are fully enclosed in my 8ft. run inside of their pen.

My husband called the phone number of the officer who signed the letter, and he called the supervisor. Neither answered or returned his messages. I guess he'll be calling on Monday.

I'm not sure what else to do. I can't easily erect a run large enough for my birds, their pen is perfect the way it is.

If my husband gets a job at Toyota, we are so getting a tall privacy fence ASAP. He has an interview for the job on Monday morning. Cross your fingers.​
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By law, they must tell you what ordinance you are violating. Now that you know, ask them to define "running at large" and show you that definition in the ordinance. Here is one definition: running at large adj. 1) referring to cattle or other animals which have escaped from an enclosure and are wandering. The owner will be liable for damage caused by such animals. Point out that your chickens are fenced in on your property and do not leave your property, have not escaped an enclosure and are not wandering. Ask them to provide you with the wording that says you must keep your chickens fully enclosed in cages--is enclosure defined as a cage? Your enclosure is a fence. (Running at large is a vague term, if not defined, and would likely be thrown out in court.) A dog running at large would be defined as having escaped a fenced area. A cow running at large would be defined the same way. Chickens should not be held to a different standard unless the ordinance is very specific. If they cannot provide you with these things, you are within the legal parameters of the ordinance. Ask that before they bother you again,you want to see solid proof that your chickens were on someone else's property: a photo or video of the chickens outside your property with verifiable a date specified on the tape or picture. Ask that other witnesses be provided to verify that chickens were on her property and those chickens were in fact yours. Also say that further visits without proof will constitute harassment and you will press the "open records" law so that you can view the complaints and the complainer. (Put this in writing in a letter and have it mailed with delivery confirmation.) If they will not comply, call a local law school or legal assistance non-profit and ask if there is someone who would be interested in taking your case pro-bono. You are being harrassed by the county and a neighbor and need legal assistance. You might also check into the relevancy of "right to farm" laws in your state that specifically target this sort of harassment.
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