Someone please help

So sorry. Sounds like you gave him an amazing life for a lame-from-the-start chick. Most people would never have given him such.
Sorry for your loss.

Oh I'm so sorry about your Mr. Jack!
I can totally sweetest ever rooster, Daisy,
was taken by some unknown predator a few weeks ago -
I was at home (talking on the phone with my daughter)
and heard Daisy 'talking' with the girls.
I ignored it for a few minutes until the carrying on
got louder and then I knew something was wrong.
By the time I ran outside, Daisy was gone.....
All the girls were locked in their run - Daisy was
outside the run with his usual freedom.

I've cried buckets and buckets of tears and
beat myself up for not having gone out to check on
him when I first heard a ruckus.

Oh my - so hard when they are more than just chickens.
So sorry again about your sweet Mr. Jack!
Help my 10 week old chick has a limp she is eating and drinking fine just a limp it looks fine but im not sure what to do also when ever you sit with her on your lap she falls asleep is it a problem. One more question my hen doesn't lay an egg everyday is she okay please help
Abcr, You might get more answers if you start your on thread which is top left in the gray box. Your chick sounds like she has hurt the leg. Give her some vitamins, and if she can't get around to eat and drink on her own, I would put her in a cage for a day or two to rest the leg. Some hens only lay eggs a few times a week--it depends on the breed, the time of year, and if they are molting or broody, they won't lay at all.

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