someone's second hand smoke.and my baby

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I would be very POed if smoke was wafteing into my house, I do have a BF who smokes which he does it outside when im with him. I see how it would bother both sides. I would go out and get those fans that can either suck in cool air or suck out hot air from the house. We have plently because the A/C can rack up bills. They are also useful for keeping the fire smoke out when we have a small fire and gathering out behind the house. I would try those kinds of fans (they are super cheap and we find them at Olies stores here in PA). If they are not doing the job (which they should if your NOT useing the one in the house) then I would politely ask the neighbors to use the other side of the house to smoke. And if all else fails deal with the heat or move.
Your story changed as this thread grew. A few posts back you had no idea WHAT neighbor was smoking and you were just going to knock on doors to find out who the offender was. Now you say it's someone "10 feet from the baby's room".

I think you smell a little smoke once in a while and the anti-smoking propaganda has you sure that your little bundle is going to drop dead from it. As I said, there will be a LOT of hurdles much more important down the line.

Yeah, sure, you can ask people not to smoke in their own yards, but you have to remember that they have the RIGHT to enjoy their own property too. The world does not revolve around your family and your baby. You have to do your part to prevent the tons of smoke from getting in your house.
I would be very POed if smoke was wafteing into my house, I do have a BF who smokes which he does it outside when im with him. I see how it would bother both sides. I would go out and get those fans that can either suck in cool air or suck out hot air from the house. We have plently because the A/C can rack up bills. They are also useful for keeping the fire smoke out when we have a small fire and gathering out behind the house. I would try those kinds of fans (they are super cheap and we find them at Olies stores here in PA). If they are not doing the job (which they should if your NOT useing the one in the house) then I would politely ask the neighbors to use the other side of the house to smoke. And if all else fails deal with the heat or move.
I would be P.O'ed if I were in my own yard smoking or whatever, and an irate neighbor came over to harass me about using my own yard. If they are quiet, and not actively blowing smoke right into her windows, they are breaking no laws.
I would be P.O'ed if I were in my own yard smoking or whatever, and an irate neighbor came over to harass me about using my own yard. If they are quiet, and not actively blowing smoke right into her windows, they are breaking no laws.
I never said anything about laws. I said to calmly go an speak with them not irately. I dont know what made you type this?
I would try systematically only opening the windows on only one side of the house for a day or two at time. Depending on the which side the smoke is coming from and the wind currents in your area. I would start by leaving only the front windows open, since it seems more likely that someone would smoke on their back porch, then maybe try adding a side window until you notice the smell again.
 I would try systematically only opening the windows on only one side of the house for a day or two at time. Depending on the which side the smoke is coming from and the wind currents in your area. I would start by leaving only the front windows open, since it seems more likely that someone would smoke on their back porch, then maybe try adding a side window until you notice the smell again.


That's a good idea. :thumbsup.
I never said anything about laws. I said to calmly go an speak with them not irately. I dont know what made you type this?
I get the gut feeling that the OP feels a bit...entitled .... to a perfect, germless, odor-free, sunshiney world for her baby. My reply was really not stating that you mentioned laws, it was speculating that she seems to think it is her right to insist her neighbors bend to her will because they don't have the right to use their own property as the law sees fit.

Sorry if it seemed I was pointing at you LOL!

Many *new...young* parents think that everyone should adore their child as if it were the first one ever born in the world, and should make concessions to make said baby's life as shiny as possible. The fact is, neighbors, and people in the general public are not obligated to change their lives for someone elses child. If they are breaking a law, or doing something deliberate, there would be a reason to "shine a really bright light in their direction" or whatever. Even then, that particular style of deterrant would likely be more illegal and border on harassment more than someone minding their own business smoking.
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I would try systematically only opening the windows on only one side of the house for a day or two at time. Depending on the which side the smoke is coming from and the wind currents in your area. I would start by leaving only the front windows open, since it seems more likely that someone would smoke on their back porch, then maybe try adding a side window until you notice the smell again.
Great suggestion, BTW
I can understand your plight. I am a smoker. I smoke Outside my home on my porch because I do not like, yellow walls. Smoke stink where I eat and sleep. But I'm sorry to have to say; if you came knocking on my door to tell me you're bothered about the cig.smoke and you have a new baby... yadayadayada... As bad as I would feel, I wouldn't stop smoking for you.
I make enough people happy. Smoking is my one and only vice. Seriously."Pray I drop dead soon to fix your problem" would be the best I could say to you.
(I don't smoke in public places. I don't/can't smoke in amusement parks or zoos (unless designated) I don't smoke in my house so my none smoking family doesn't suffer, BY GONE IT I'M SMOKING OUTSIDE IF i WANT TO)

As for your problem, If you check craigslist, (I do not know about in California) but you can find a lot of window ACs that People as getting rid off. Sometimes even FREE. (a lot of people upgrade them because they bought one too small, or not powerful enough to cool their house so they buy another one thinking they'll use the first elsewhere but end up getting rid of it)

Just make sure you send your husband/boyfriend to check out the unit, make sure it works properly and the cord looks in good condition.
When you find one disinfect it top to bottom. Clean out the screen also. And before you install it, run it outside (after it dries) for a few minutes so that if it has anything in it it can cycle/blow clean.

Do not quote me, but I believe you can buy better filters for the wall A/Cs. Just an Idea?

P.S If you do find one, Seal it to the window properly. Don't just use the little plastic covers it uses. You can buy foam in a can or use window plastic to seal around it well. Otherwise it wont fix your problem either way, smoke will get in through the holes.
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