Something attacked my Guinea fowl…


In the Brooder
May 15, 2022
I had 4 guineas… they were originally in a pen with our 33 chickens, but they kept attacking some of the chickens badly. We made them their own coop/enclosure & let them free range. Only lasted about 3 weeks and something ate 3 out of my 4 guineas. I’ve put the last one in with the chickens. Should it be okay with the chickens, should I get more, or rehome to someone with a bigger Guinea flock?
She is already following the other hens so I’m going to see how it goes… wish I could find just one other the same age. They have a pretty good fence around them & I put them in early tonight & plan on letting them out a little later in the morning.
She is already following the other hens so I’m going to see how it goes… wish I could find just one other the same age. They have a pretty good fence around them & I put them in early tonight & plan on letting them out a little later in the morning.
I agree you should be on high alert! If something got 3 of your guineas your chickens aren't safe either. Guineas are harder to catch than chickens! Do you have bob cats?
I agree you should be on high alert! If something got 3 of your guineas your chickens aren't safe either. Guineas are harder to catch than chickens! Do you have bob cats?
Yes, we have lots of predators here. Lost a few last year to a weasel & had a bear problem about a month ago. We have bob cats, bears, fox, coyotes, hawks/eagles, weasels/minks, and more.

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