something in the garden with a LONG tail


13 Years
Jan 15, 2007
Garden Valley, ca
I look out the window and yell moutain lion. The DW heads for the camera and I run for the 30 06. Both of us are to late, I made to much noise yelling. I turned up the volume on all the radios and put extra lights in the coops. The only good thing is there is an over abundance of deer this year. Maybe it will not mess with the chickens. If it comes back and she gets a photo, I will try to get it posted. That is if I don't get it first. No dead animals posted by me.
Get it Panner, Get it!!
cool panner!..but those things are scary when they start coming around your house..more scary than coy's...and more deadly..please be careful! never know they are around, they are so quiet....good luck!, Wendy
A neighbor about a mile away just came by and said he took care of the kitty. It was out by his barn and his dogs treed it. He got it before it got his goats and sheep. Now in kitty heaven.

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