Something is breaking open our eggs


10 Years
Mar 12, 2009
country home
We live in Georgia. Backyard pen, small holes in ground inside pen about 1 inch diameter. Eggs are broken and insides are gone. What predator do you think we have, and how do we get rid of it?? any suggestions would be appreciated.
If it is rats or mice, how do I get rid of them? I have cats and dogs running loose already! chicken pen is next to horse/goat pasture as well. Must be a determined little bugger.
You could try traps, flooding the holes, or poison placed where the chickens or other pets can't reach it. Rodents are tough to get rid of. I would strongly suggest that you pick up the feeders every night. Taking away the food source might help a bit.
There were a few threads on this a while back. Try doing a search for "rats" here on BYC; you'll get TONS of ideas!
Are the eggs in the nest box? Cause you might have "egg-eater" hens.

Also, I once had a possum, then later a skunk who would discover the nest box and go in and eat the eggs. Usually after dark.

Also, I've heard of snakes eating eggs.

Are the eggshells lying on the ground near the holes?
simple snaptraps work excellent for me. i put the trap in a small enclosed box(tall enuf for the trap to snap) and block it so chickens can't get into it and re-use many times. cheap, humane(kills quick), and I DO NOT have visable rodents(until they're trapped, anyhoo) feed appears untouched by small critters.

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