I have 10 day old California Valley quail that has been a little off since yesterday. Sitting with feathers fluffed. Eating a little and moving around but this morning he can't seem to walk. It's like he is off balance. He tries to walk and ends up flopping around and tumbling backwards. I don't know what, if anything, I can do for him. It is sad to watch. Temperature is fine in the 10 gal aquarium he's in with his brother. The other one is totally fine and very active.
Seems to be some sort of neurological problem. I am so new to this I just don't know what to do.
He hatched at 23 days if that means anything.
Seems to be some sort of neurological problem. I am so new to this I just don't know what to do.
He hatched at 23 days if that means anything.