Something Killed about Half My Flock!!!!

I haven't seen my RIRs, and it was weird not hearing a roo this morning. My head count now is One Australorp hen, two brown leghorn mix hens, and one Japanese bantam hen. 4 out of 14 left. I went and looked at 2 of the dead, and didn't notice any obvious signs of wounds, and no significant amount of feathers in the run. I think what ever killed them did it quick, so probably only a dog could do that.
I had two of mine killed by my own dogs while we were finishing our run, and I saw them do was very fast very silent and they didn't eat them or hardly make a noise, they grabbed them by the neck and the chickens were dead instantly...... my guess is a dog!

I'm so sorry!
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aran hit the nail on the head. Chickens are at the bottom of the food chain,next to worms and bugs!
IF you can't afford to lose some(emotionally or otherwise) you have got to be extra careful and protective. We have lost some in the past and were angry and upset, however it was our fault in the end because we had not covered the bases as we should have. They are vunerable so you have to protect them vigilantly, and then you will still loose some from time to time, its inevitable!

So sorry for your loss, I am always moved when I read these posts and see the anguish that is brought on by senseless carnage.

I am sure you feel guilty, But if they were on yout ptoperty, it was not your fault. sure you could have done things a little better. We so keep ours locked up at night and when we are not home.
BUT who wants to keep thier birds locked up all the time. THATS why there is a leash law
for dogs.. I LOVE DOGS - I LOVE CATS but I can not stand people who think its ok to let thiers run.
I had a sweet bunny we all loved in a wire cage on the lawn, we used to take her out every day for sunshine and grass.
one afternoon I went in the house to P only to be horrified by the worst ear piercing screeming.
I ran out to find a neigbhors cat had stuck its paws threw the wire and had my baby in a death grip.
If she had not been in a cage she would have been dead as it was she was a mess and cost me a vet bill we could not afford at the time.
It was many years ago, we lived on base, cats were not suposed to be unattended just like dogs but even with other complaints from the other neigbhors this lady refused to stop letting her cat out and the SPs were not forceful, her cat had been nonsense in all the babies sand boxes and digging up freshly planted seedlings to use as an easy dig litter box.
Well I finally had enough... And when I saw her cat poop in my flower bed I calmly got the shovel scooped it up and walked down to her house knocked on the door and when she answered I said this is yours I don't want it and dropped it at her feet. I walked home called the SPs and said if ya hav't been called yet ya might want to send someone over here, they said they were called and would be there shortly. When the guy came I told him the history & that enough was enough and that if it pooped in my space any more she would be getting that back also. the sp said stay away from her if it happens again call them and they will take it back.
They told her she had had more than her fair share of warning and that if the cat was seen out again it would be taken and her husbands squadren leader would be dealing with her husbands non compliance no matter how the animal got out.
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Flufnstuffs that sounds like something me or my husband would do.

There is no leash law where we live, since we are outside city limits. Just suffice to say any animal that doesn't belong to us comes onto our property had better watch out!!!
Atta Girl!

Just want to say that I was not scolding you before. Is not your fault that whatever came and killed your flock.
Its just a fact of life. Our chickens are at the bottom of the food chain. and there will always be dogs, coons, cats and whatever sneaking around trying to take advantage of them. WE just have to be ever vigilant!

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