Something to help them lay again?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 20, 2009
Whitman, MA
I brought home some new chicks a while ago.

They all ended up being roosters.

My hens are stressed. I removed the roosters but 2 ladies are still not laying.

Is there something I can give them that get them over this hump and get them to lay again?
A protein boost often helps jump start the egg-making machinery. Calf manna from the feed store - or just lots of scrambled eggs - or even canned cat food are great protein boosting treats. Maybe a week of extra protein and see what happens.

ETA: This is kind of the "molting time of year;" they might just be going into a molt.
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I they are stressed, I would think some extra free range time, toys, treats they have to hunt for (game bird feed on the ground,) etc. would also help. Anything to get them playing and distracted.
My girls all started laying in July and were going full guns until the daylight hours
starting getting shorter. I put a light in the coop on a timer to get them up at 4am
also started giving them extra protein in the form of raw fish. My husband and son
fish a lot so after the fish are filleted we store the rest in the freezer until I need
them. I just cut off the tails and heads and cut the bodies up into managable pieces.
Boy do they love them.

It worked now from 11 hens I am getting 9-11 eggs a day again.

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