Something violent went down...


Mar 30, 2016
Two of my 2 yr. old hens got roughed up today. Two have mangled tail feathers and one has a bloody pecked comb, and the down around her vent looked kind of matted like she was held to the ground which is wet from rain. The more roughed up one also acted spooked when I brought evening food. My question is, could my young roo have done this?

He’s about 23 weeks old and my Buff layers have never really fought amongst themselves. I do have 2 layers that are the same age as the roo, but they haven’t previously caused any problems either. The 3 younger ones were hatched and raised by one of my older hens.

Side note: I do know he’s been mating a couple of the hens, because I’ve been getting some fertile eggs. My older layers have not yet accepted him as king of the coop. Maybe he snapped?
He should outgrow his hormonal hurricane, but probably not before he inflicts some more damage on your ladies. If you can put him within sight of the hens for a few weeks to a month, it would likely do them all a world of good. He'll have time to learn some manners and they'll have time to heal. A dog kennel inside the coop or run would do it, as long as he has some protection from the weather.
He should outgrow his hormonal hurricane, but probably not before he inflicts some more damage on your ladies. If you can put him within sight of the hens for a few weeks to a month, it would likely do them all a world of good. He'll have time to learn some manners and they'll have time to heal. A dog kennel inside the coop or run would do it, as long as he has some protection from the weather.
:thumbsup Great advice!!

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