Something wicked in the brooder W/ pic its poop


10 Years
Feb 21, 2009
Columbia river gorge
Ok I found something in the brooder today that was so funky I picked it up and starred at it for about 15 minutes then realized that it was funky and dropped it .
I was wondeing if anyone had any ideas , it was blackish blueish, it looks for all the world like a cross between a giant poo and a bug egg case , it apears to be hollow but I really dont want to open it in case there is something ickyer then its looks inside. it has a belly button type knob on one end and its a little pointed at the other . I thought at first that it was my aprox 7 week old buttons first egg but its feels like leatherish and its hollow.
Did a funky bug get in there and manage to avoid 23 hungry mouths befor it laid its egg case, is it some strange and funky hollow poop , is it a fart egg , is it non of the above and should I quarenteen my chicks now , ???????????????
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Im trying , I took a pic and then sent it to my email then Ill down load it tomy computer and then upload it to BYC but even though I sent it to my email it didnt get there yet wich is wierd as it usually take about 2 minutes is all . Ill send it again in a few minutes if it still hasnt gotten there .

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