Sometimes I just don't understand people....animal re-homing rant

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I can go one further for ya - just to make your ears steam!!! Yesterday we drove to the tow yard for Ken to reset the security cameras. AS we turn in , a jeep with a boxer looking dog hanging out the window turned down a dirt road. Odd I thought - very isolated out there, but there are homes - a few. Ken came back out and lo and behold there are two boxers at the end of the dirt parking lot. We got in the suburban and went looking for that guy. No luck, but we spent a good 45 minutes looking. Ken is going today to try to find the dogs and train them to be yard dogs for the tow yard......
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That is so sad Debi.
I just really don't get it. And Boxers are such great dogs. But then aren't they all.
You know my pet peeve about it,..beloved pet,..I would like to give you away,..but wait I need a rehoming fee. What the heck is a rehoming fee???
I mean if you go to arescue place, I can understand, the fee helps with all the rescue efforts,..but someone who for some reason doesn't want to keep their pet, also wants to make a profit on it. Hello, your lucky to get a loving home for them. I saw it explained that a rehoming fee assures that the animal will be taken by someone who can afford to care for them. Well someone going around picking up animals to sell to labs,..guess what the rehoming fee is more likely paid by them. Silly people. By the way, I also have issue with the ridiculous adoption fees at the pounds here in massachusetts,..350 to adopt a dog that needs a home,..really people is it no wonder the pounds are full. You don't have to be wealthy to love and care for a pet. For me, if I am going to pay 350 for a pet, I might as well go to a reputable breeder where I know the animals complete background.
Ahem, about those chickens...
Yes, this is a disposable society we live in, and it stinks. Our animal control shelter had a woman come in with her poodle, surrendering it, because it didn't match the color of her new furniture!!
. Why, why, do people do such stupid things? To be at the shelter, and watch someone drop off a dog or cat, especially a dog, that watches its owner walk out the door, is just heart breaking.
When I used to foster cats and kittens for them, I experienced this, and boy did it hurt me inside.
I let my kids know that a commitment to an animal is a forever thing. Animals are NOT disposable just because they're supposedly "less than" humans. My animals are members of my family and when times get tough you don't just dump a family member.
I use to volenteer with a lady who was a vet but who had given up on being a vet at a animal clinic when I asked her why she said because people were evil and she was tired of working with them . She had horrible stories not just about treating animals abandoned or abused but of people who would bring in there dog or cat to be put down for reasons that if it was me working in the clinic I would probly have jumped over the desk and floored the idiot. Like one lady brought per poodle in to be put down becuase she didnt match the new sofa , or along those lines a cat whos ownder got tired of the cat hair and wanted new furniture. A man who wanted his dogs put down becuase his wife wanted them and they were getting a divorce and he knew it would hurt her and he wanted to hurt her . She said she had to deal with sevral things like this a year and it made her to angry so she became a wildlife rehabber .
We moved from NC to PA with 3 dogs, 2 cats, a guinea pig, 2 hamsters and 27 chickens. Oh yeah, we brought the 2 kids too. We have only ever left an animal behind once and that was a barn cat and her 3 kittens. We took them to the shelter.

We have always taken in strays and unwanted animals and then rehomed the majority of them, but we would never rehome a pet/family member just because we moved.

In fact, when we have moved, we always look for housing based around our animals. If they can't go, we don't either.
I'm going to be the underdog here. Maybe he had served his tour(s) and thought he was safe and could settle down. Lots of people are being called for deployment more than once. If his wife & kids are suddenly having to move because he is leaving ~ this sounds unexpected.

I caution on the "we don't know all the details". Hopefully he will find a good home for the dog.

B. Saffles Farms :

The reason people rehome animals and not thier kids when they move is because they cant rehome thier kids, without going thru the whole adoption process.

with some people thats about the just of it. If they could just put the kids on craigs list and someone come get them without trouble you would see it happen almost as much as animals. You see in the news all the time of kids being abandoned in dumpsters or dropped on someones doorstep. Its not new either because they use to have orphanages for just that reason. Its just sad and it makes me angry because if you take on an animal you are responsible for that animal for its life time or you dont take it. I understand stuff happens but just because you are moving doesnt make it ok.​
Actually, there are some places you can abandon them, no questions asked, up through 18, I believe. LOL I am almost positive I heard you can in Wisconsin???? At least that is what I tell my kids. "Don't make me have to move to Wisconsisin".

Glad I am not the only one who is so sick of this. Everyone screams about breeders causing all the pet overpopulation and filling the shelters (and yes, and irresponsible breeding is a huge part of the problem) but people like this are too.

I am from wisc. I did not know about that loophole.. I would have used it many times.. too late now, all my kids are married..
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