Sorry But I've Seen Something And It Really Bothers Me

hahahaaa, this is still goin i forgot about this thread
My hens do pretty well with their waterer, but boy are the chicks little pigs! I clean them three times a day and still they are just icky. Hoping it will be better now that they are spending time outside and have more to do than figure out ways to poop in something less than the width of their foot!
Am I the only one who gives my flock fresh water everyday? I also give my dogs fresh water everyday!
I like to just hand wash the chicken waterers in the kitchen sink with dishwashing soap. I'd hang them, but I'm afraid our crazy Leghorns would use the main waterer as a swing . . .
Mine get fresh water every morning and I do a deep clean on the watering cans every Saturday morning!
Have to say used to swim in a horse tank when I was little, had green on it's side. Did not ever get hurt with it. Some say algee filter,s the warer. Do remember how clean the water was even though there was green on the side ( would drink the water and swim with my eyes open). Now if there is poop in the chicken water that's differant. Now for the one,s that like to have something to complain about check this picture I took going to work. Oh these chickens have no water at all.
that is why i got my own flock,it is sad that many other animals are being mistreated,but there is only so much that we can do,at least i try to keep my flock as happy as they can be,with clean water,and yes,yes yes,i've also noticed that chickens will drink water from anywhere,but just in case they want to drink out of the water i got for them, it will always be clean and Fresh.
I do have to say this; when I clean out the cows' water they act like I have poured poison in their water for the first day. And I used bleach one time to scrub their water trough and they refused to drink out of it for days. I had to water them out of their old broken drums until it rained. No Joke! And as for the picture; that is one more reason why I have my own chickens in my yard. If I wasn't so silly I would raise some for the freezer but I know I can't hand raise them and then kill them, thats why I have 8 cows we treat like dogs.


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