Sorry no pictures, just memory of roo


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 13, 2012
I wish I had pictures! I had a rooster growing up as a kid. We won a baby chick at a fair and that's what it turned out to be. I just wondered if anyone could tell me what breed it was? The base color was black and on top of that it had golden feathers on its neck like stripes, but so many you could barely see the black. The tail feathers were black but the black was like shiny blue and green in sunlight, kind of iridescent. He also had lots of golden feathers in his tail as well. I just remember him being really beautiful.

He was nice to me, but crowed all the time and we lived in a suburb so we gave him to friends on a farm with hens. Turned out he was pretty fierce and they had to go out with a broom to fight him off. But he helped with their raccoon problem so they said.
Google images of Light brown Leghorn, or Google with key word rooster. May be you will see which breed roo looks like your.
Maybe if you look at photos in the breed section of website you will come a photo that looks similar. One guess might be golden laced Wyandotte. Most of the photos on this web sites breed section for wyandotte seem be silver laced. They have a rose comb instead of the regular single comb.
My only guess, would be a black sex link. They come in such a wide variety of color and pattern varaitions.
Chances are if that picture looks like roo you remember it is probably another breed.
thanks for the replies. he was all black as a chick, but my memory is a but rusty there. i just remember he was a very beautiful rooster!

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