Sour crop and Monostat


May 12, 2022
Hello! I have a 9 week old chick with sour crop. I read here that you can treat with Monostat suppository as long as it doesn’t have propylene glycol in it. The person said they cut it up into 3rds and force fed it.

My question is how do you force feed this to a chicken when it’s hard to even to get them to open their beak?
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A 9wk old chick with Sour Crop? Can you please describe the symptoms and show some photos of the chick and her poop?

IF her crop is not emptying completely overnight (after having a full night's sleep and not eating during the night), then you will want to access the crop to determine what treatment is necessary.
You can treat Sour crop with an anti-fungal or yeast medication. Miconazole or Clotrimazole are commonly used. You can use cream or suppository. Very good info in the article linked below.

A chick having sour crop, I would worry they have something else going on as well. How is she acting? How long has she been in the coop/housing she's in now?

I recommend that you read this whole article and the comments too.

Here's how to administer medication
Yes, I also question whether such a young bird has sour crop. Sour crop is almost always a result of an underlying health issue slowing down the digestive process for whatever reason inherent in that issue.

But to answer your question about how to dose a bird (with any med), you have to pry open the beak. There is no polite and gentle method. You have to get a fingernail inserted into the crack between upper and lower beak, and then forcing the beak to open. Then you can pop a pill in or in the case of miconazole cream, squirt in a dose. It's not so critical the precise amount as it is to give two doses per day for a full seven days. I squirt the cream directly from the tube into the beak so that the mouth is filled with cream, much like you would do if squirting whipped cream from a can into an excited child's mouth.

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