Sour Crop not improving

Nothing at all. Not even bugs in the yard. She took a turn for the worse when I gave her miconazole so last dose was this morning and I discontinued that. She hasn’t eaten bugs for a few days but it’s been a few weeks since eating feed. She was overweight this summer with a big fat pad but it’s all gone and now losing some breast muscle. She’s a buff orp and six years old. I haven’t had good experience with that breed living much longer than that so maybe she’s just end of her life. She’s still maybe 4-5 lbs. oh wait she ate cat food about four days ago but only the one day and wouldn’t do it again. I had been popping some in but I’m not anymore since the yeast is still there.
Poor girl.
How full is her crop now?
Check it early in the morning and see how full it is.
Is it more squishy or hard?
Poor girl.
How full is her crop now?
Check it early in the morning and see how full it is.
Is it more squishy or hard?
It’s maybe baseball size at night and drains to maybe half that in morning but still squishy and nowhere near hard
Did you have any luck? I’ve got a similar issue. Don’t think anything going through. Seems the miconazole cream made my girl worse after one day and started her on acidified copper sulfate but she won’t drink anything now. I’m afraid to do coconut oil. I may stop and get raw garlic tonight to add to her crop.
Not really.
Yesterday morning her crop was empty. I was so happy!
I gave her the molasse flush all day yesterday, removed it after 8h and made sure she had good clear water after and all day today.

The crop is back into a big squisky ball.

I'm kind of wondering if it's not a an impaction lower, maybe even lower than the gizzard. Hear me out: When I had to vomit her, the content of the crop was very very liquid, with half digested food. I'm wondering if the food is not going into the gizzard and getting back in the crop ? Like a reflux ? Because of a lower impaction. Like, the food is not supposed to be digested in the crop, but in the gizzard. Since the digestion has started... I don't know.

Her droppings are also very small, kind of dry and she doesn't make a lot.
Yesterday morning her crop was empty. I was so happy!
I gave her the molasse flush all day yesterday, removed it after 8h and made sure she had good clear water after and all day today.

The crop is back into a big squisky ball.

I'm kind of wondering if it's not a an impaction lower, maybe even lower than the gizzard. Hear me out: When I had to vomit her, the content of the crop was very very liquid, with half digested food. I'm wondering if the food is not going into the gizzard and getting back in the crop ? Like a reflux ? Because of a lower impaction. Like, the food is not supposed to be digested in the crop, but in the gizzard. Since the digestion has started... I don't know.

Her droppings are also very small, kind of dry and she doesn't make a lot.

Either one, just once, then make sure she's drinking plain water afterward.
The flush is to be given all at once, it's only 1/4 cup of water with 1tsp of Molasses, it shouldn't take 8 hours for her to consume that.

Sounds like she's not drinking and is getting dehydrated. Encourage fluids.

What does the poop look like now? You're vomiting her which is risky at best.

Once food leaves the crop it goes into the proventriculus, then the gizzard. I don't believe you could get food to come back up from the gizzard, so if it's undigested food, then it's still sitting in the crop, possible partially from the proventriculus.

Treat as Sour and Impacted.


The flush is to be given all at once, it's only 1/4 cup of water with 1tsp of Molasses, it shouldn't take 8 hours for her to consume that.

Sounds like she's not drinking and is getting dehydrated. Encourage fluids.

What does the poop look like now? You're vomiting her which is risky at best.

Once food leaves the crop it goes into the proventriculus, then the gizzard. I don't believe you could get food to come back up from the gizzard, so if it's undigested food, then it's still sitting in the crop, possible partially from the proventriculus.

Treat as Sour and Impacted.

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I could find the amount to give. I saw a post to mix the molasse and give as the only water for a day.
I'll try that again. Or maybe the epsom salt. Same amount, 1x ?

I didn't make her vomit anymore, since the last time we talked about it. It's just an observation I did, when I did, that I shared.

Maybe it's coming back from the proventriculous, since it's pre-digested. The food is not supposed to be digested in the crop and there's nothing solid anymore. It's very liquid, mushy, which just small amounts of grains left (I can see a bit of corn, but that's it). I just can't figure why some days in emptied at night and some others, it's the size of a baseball and just fill and fill.

I've been treating the crop for 2 weeks for Sour. There's no smell and no improvement. I can continue to treat as impacted and flush tomorrow with Epsom.
What does the poop look like now? You're vomiting her which is risky at best.
For the poop, small dropping, there urate and solide. They are shaped (no diarhea). But I find them small and there's not a lot. I'll try to coax her tomorrow to drink more and make a mushy feed again. She seems to like it, after all.
I could find the amount to give. I saw a post to mix the molasse and give as the only water for a day.
I'll try that again. Or maybe the epsom salt. Same amount, 1x ?

I didn't make her vomit anymore, since the last time we talked about it. It's just an observation I did, when I did, that I shared.

Maybe it's coming back from the proventriculous, since it's pre-digested. The food is not supposed to be digested in the crop and there's nothing solid anymore. It's very liquid, mushy, which just small amounts of grains left (I can see a bit of corn, but that's it). I just can't figure why some days in emptied at night and some others, it's the size of a baseball and just fill and fill.

I've been treating the crop for 2 weeks for Sour. There's no smell and no improvement. I can continue to treat as impacted and flush tomorrow with Epsom.
You've been giving yeast medication for 2weeks? (Miconazole or Clotrimazole)

Epsom Salts flush is 1tsp Epsom Salt to 1/2 cup warm water. She needs to drink it up or you tube it into her. Once you're done with that, then she needs plain water. Flushes are dehydrating.

Not sure what you mean pre digested - pellets or crumbles are going to turn to mush once in the crop. There's usually bits of corn found in pellets or crumbles, so that wouldn't be too unusual.
You've been giving yeast medication for 2weeks? (Miconazole or Clotrimazole)

Epsom Salts flush is 1tsp Epsom Salt to 1/2 cup warm water. She needs to drink it up or you tube it into her. Once you're done with that, then she needs plain water. Flushes are dehydrating.

Not sure what you mean pre digested - pellets or crumbles are going to turn to mush once in the crop. There's usually bits of corn found in pellets or crumbles, so that wouldn't be too unusual.
Miconazole at first, full treatment. The suppositories are made from solidified oil in Canada. It's a bit like soap. I need to break it down to administer it. Kind of hard to administer, but I did it for the full 7 days, without improvement except for 1 morning (2 days after the start) when the crop was empty and flat in the morning. It came back after (the squishy crop, by the end of day no emptying after, except for yesterday morning).

I also gave her coconut oil during that time and massaged her crop. No improvement either.

I've waited a day or 2 and decided to try Clotrimazole. I read a couple of articles where people had a better luck with it than Monistat and it's in a cream format, so easy to give. I gave her 1cc 3x a day. It's a 6 days treatment. No improvement.

At some point, without any smell, I'm very doubtful that this is a sour crop.

If it's blocked down there, how is the flush going to work on the Impaction? By softening it?

As for the pre-digested part, the crop itself is not supposed to help digest the food. It stocks the food over there to be digested below. The food that is coming out when she overflows or when I made her vomit the other day was very very very mushy, liquid with nothing but mush in it. I agree it can be because of the liquid in the crop turning it into a mush instead of being pre-digested as I proposed.

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