Sour Crop Really Bad!!!

Wow, that was quick, Eggcessive! Thanks! So if she does have EYP, is there anything we can do to help her be more comfortable? She was just x-rayed two fridays ago for something else- and they didn't say anything about this. Does this just pop up- or has it been happening for a while?
Well, don't take this as a diagnosis, but that can be one of the things that cause swelling in the lower abdomen. Many others on BYC have much experience on this. I would check with the vet about the Xrays they took, and ask about EYP or ascites. Also make sure that her swollen abdomen is not her crop, or even air under theskin from an injury. Here are some links about internal laying, egg yolk peritonitis, and ascites:
Now this couldn't be like the "second stage of sour crop" could it? Moving from her crop to her tummy? Is that possible?
Two Crows or Casportpony might be able to help you with that. I haven't treated sour crop, but have never read that it causes swelling of the lower abdomen.
I would read about it by doing a search at the top of the page. Antibiotics such as Baytril are used to extend life, but there is no cure to EYP. A vet could Xray her to confirm the illness, but it is very common in chickens a couple of years and older.

Hmm. The strange thing is...

We have a trap-door with a pulley to let our girls out of the coop in the morning. Younger member of family was playing with it when letting them out, and dropped the trapdoor on Cricket, the now sick hen. She was stunned, but then seemed fine afterwards.

Couple days later, we noticed she was doing the "penguin walk" and took her to the vet. She had x-rays, and they said it was just soft tissue damage. So she was on medication, and then after ten days, got sour crop. She's off the medicine, and over the sour crop, but now she's doing the "penguin walk" again, and her abdomen is really swollen.
Maybe it was before, and we just didn't notice it.
She also seems to have breathing difficulties, esp. when we pick her up. Could that be from the accident???

She hadn't been laying for a while before the accident, and she diffidently isn't laying now. A while ago she was the one responsible for the "shell less" eggs in the coop, and I'm wondering if that was a sign of internal laying or such.

Right now she just hangs out up at the house with us in the rose garden, and sleeps in a crate at night. Her diet consists of olive oil bread, regular chicken feed, and water. She doesn't really want yogurt anymore.

So that's the tale of the sick hen. Anyone have similar experiences? Please comment and help!

Does her lower belly seem tight like a drum where she may have ascites or fluid collecting and making her breathing difficult? If she has ascites some of the fluid can periodically be drained with an 18 gauge needle inserted just under the skin.
Does her lower belly seem tight like a drum where she may have ascites or fluid collecting and making her breathing difficult? If she has ascites some of the fluid can periodically be drained with an 18 gauge needle inserted just under the skin.

Oh, man, yes. She's got all that. Where can we get more info on that? I've read a little bit about this, but doesn't this only prolong her life?

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