Sour Crop treatment update


10 Years
Apr 22, 2009
So I have a speckled Sussex hen who has been battling with sour crop for the past few months. When she first got it I gave her Monist at and it went away. A few weeks later it came back and really bad. I swear she was not long for this world. So I tried giving her the one day Monist at and that just didn't work. I was having to vomit her every day and get the gas out of her crop. Her crop was becoming pendulous I was at my wits end then I saw that athletes foot cream might work. SO I went to the pharmacists and asked him which was stronger, the monist at or the lotramin ultra. He said the Lotramin was stronger. And let me tell you! Not only has her crop gone down, but there seems to be no more gas and her crop is almost back to normal!!!!!!!!!

I tried the natural cures but was having no luck. I wasnt able to try Nystatin but I know that you can get it from a vet.
That's good to know...
I do know, that when dealing with a "yeast type" infection, the patient should stay away from corn. Corn really feeds the yeast/fungus. After treatment with anti-fungals, then make sure to use yogurt/acidofilis(sp), it will put the good bacteria back on track.
Yep. I was actually thinking about giving her one of the acidophollis tablets. She does love yogurt though!
You can't overload her with the good stuff, she will just pass on what she doesn't need.

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