Sources for organic grains


7 Years
Sep 28, 2012
Hello All,

I am looking into making organic feed and scratch for my chickens. Does anyone know of a good place to get bulk organic grains, nuts, etc. in the Fort Worth area? I know Central Market and Whole Foods are options but are there any others that may be less expensive?

None of the feed stores (~20) that I have called carry organic feed.

I just started raising chicks three weeks ago but I have been reasearching this topic for several years and aggressively began pursuing the chicken cause the past few month because I found no packaged organic, corn and soy free whole grain feeds on the market. There is a superior recipe on which you can modify for cost just make sure you are giving enough protein source- I came across several good recipes but this is just so varied and leaves room for modification. If you know other people raising chicken splitting the cost may help. The only help I can offer is based on my own research - it isn't the cheapest route but I thought I would at least offer some resources. You can get all of the grain and seed items in the recipe at I have personal preference for sprouted grains and the grains there are sproutable but I also found a site with sprouted grain ( they do not have the seed or spilt peas but I can get those at the previous site) The link for the sprouted grain is I found a great source for the kelp at
Hope it helps a little.

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