Sourland in trouble

I know this is an old thread but omg I laughed so hard I darn near baptized my screen with coffee! I had to go tell DH about the snake in the trash! You just can't make that stuff up!

I can still see the look of horror on her face and the curse word is ringing in my ears. Needless to say my laughter added to her anger.
Some things don't mind being planted, other actually benefit from it, but faces don't fit in either category. Having done it a few times myself (most recently into some hay bales), I would recommend against making a habit of it.

Critter has been getting lots of practice at faceplanting lately, thanks to a Segway MiniPro. I know the owners' manual warns that the thing can be dangerous, but we think this one may be possessed. The list of ways it has acted up grows longer by the day; from random warning beeps that turn out to mean nothing, to charging forward without a rider (and attacking a nearby pedestrian), to stopping dead with a rider on board (though not for long!) After it pulled that last stunt twice in two days (skinning up his knees), Critter bought some knee pads. He has tried contacting customer service, but they keep referring him to departments that are closed due to Coronavirus . . . .:barnie While he waits for a chance to interact with an actual human being with the manufacturer, Critter decided to get another Segway, just a different and newer model. Of course, now that its replacement is here, the original is behaving perfectly . . . though Critter wears the pads and gloves anyway, just in case.
Some things don't mind being planted, other actually benefit from it, but faces don't fit in either category. Having done it a few times myself (most recently into some hay bales), I would recommend against making a habit of it.

I don't fall a lot, but when I have fallen it's almost like someone picked me up and threw me to the ground - BAM ! :thCritter should know by now that we don't bounce anymore.
It's been a while. I've been very good or perhaps just lucky. Tonight I turned the oven on to heat up for the chicken pot pie we were to have for supper. Later when I returned to place the pot pie in the oven I smelled a sweet/pastry smell. I had forgotten that we put the cupcakes in there so that Maggie wouldn't help herself to them. Not a major problem, but -----------------------
It's been a while. I've been very good or perhaps just lucky. Tonight I turned the oven on to heat up for the chicken pot pie we were to have for supper. Later when I returned to place the pot pie in the oven I smelled a sweet/pastry smell. I had forgotten that we put the cupcakes in there so that Maggie wouldn't help herself to them. Not a major problem, but -----------------------
And soooo...the saga continues! :gig
It hasn't happened yet, but trouble is coming. I spent much of the morning at the beagle club. While sitting here at the computer, I have removed 6 ticks crawling on me. The first time one gets on the Princess ---------------------------

Just caught # 7. :oops:
It hasn't happened yet, but trouble is coming. I spent much of the morning at the beagle club. While sitting here at the computer, I have removed 6 ticks crawling on me. The first time one gets on the Princess ---------------------------

Just caught # 7. :oops:
I spend a lot of time removing ticks from the dogs. Every night.

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