Sourland in trouble

Don't give in to her, Sourland. What you did was exactly right - if you need to belly laugh, let it out or you'll bust. Stand your ground and show it by having the occasional snigger to yourself for a few days. Eventually, the Princess will see the funny side of it. It might take a few months but hang in their for the sake of male equality.

Never buy flowers, chocolate or jewellery in circumstances such as these. It will be taken as an admission of guilt and set a precedent. You'll be forever buying gifts. More helpful than that is to tell a good snake joke from time to time. Watch the Princess's face as she tries not to laugh. Here are some ideas for starters. I think she will especially like the first one:
Hmm, tried the snake jokes and the only response was a wry look. Sourland set the precedent long, long ago. 48 years with someone allows lots of chances for screw ups. I could tell you stories - but won't. Yes dear, you're right dear, I'm sorry dear have always worked well for me. I'm a subdued, well trained man.

Well, I'm not sure whether Her Highness's wrath was earned, but I sure am sad that you killed an innocent garter snake with one of those nasty sticky traps. I hate those things - so cruel. Creatures die a slow, painful death. Bleah.

Otherwise, yeah, the ol' dead-snake-stuck-to-the-hand shenanigans were probably worth at least a snarl or two from your Princess.
I sense the rebel stirring in you.

It's a game they play. We do something they can, with some manipulation of the facts, say is wrong. They turn a mood or a period of silence. Men, being calm, logical and peace loving creatures don't like the tension. Someone suggests that a gift or grovelling apology will put matters right. Man buys gift, she has won an undeserved moral victory and another gift. Man loses again.

The wry look is a good sign. It's a passive reaction and a step in the right direction. Keep up the jokes and sniggers. Make sure that they are always snake orientated to show that you aren't apologetic. Find a diversion to keep your mind off the tension. Packing a bag with clothes and wash bag in front of her with no explanation will help you think about something else. Take a trip in the car to somewhere where you can relax with a diversion, such as a resort with a pool, and wait for the 'phone call.

While your away, buy that gift for when she's returned to normal. Don't give it to her before she's capitulated and smiled again. Here's a gift suggestion - quite cheap too, which is important:

I showed her your gift idea. She said that we are sick people, chuckled and left the computer room. Was that a good sign? The chuckle sounded somewhat malicious.
I am sure after 48 years she has a learned to have a sense of humor when it comes to your shenanigans Sourland. I am curious if Thaiturkey is married because if he is he could definitely use a mentor like yourself.
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Keep laughing, Sour...
Didnt you hear the Princess on the phone earlier? Something about trying to find an empty bed in a "home" for you...
Whatever could she mean? :confused:
Keep laughing... :p
I showed her your gift idea. She said that we are sick people, chuckled and left the computer room. Was that a good sign? The chuckle sounded somewhat malicious.

The chuckle and leaving the room are both good signs. You're on the right track. How about some bag packing stress relief therapy for yourself now?

The malicious tone to the chuckle was a clear sign that she sees the funny side of her mistaken behaviour but isn't yet ready to admit it. You need to keep on track.

If the snake jokes have run their course, how about some affectionate joshing with a few 'women jokes' - you know, the blokes' equivalent to some of those 'men joke' quips posted by the ladies on another thread on BYC. You could start with the question 'Why do women have smaller feet than men?'
I am sure after 48 years she has a learned to have a sense of humor when it comes to your shenanigans Sourland. I am curious if Thaiturkey is married because if he is he could definitely use a mentor like yourself.

Of course I'm married Chicks! How could a batchelor know so much?

I also have a sense of humour, a great asset in a marriage.
Always worth a try. Look up the word 'defuse' in a good on line dictionary.

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