Sourland in trouble

who fills a garage so full that it needs to be adjusted to be able to accommodate a bit of shake foam without getting on the inside of the lid???
Don't have no garage, generally fill the 'garbage' can to the top prior to changing bags. Somethin' us rednecks are known to do.
You must be one of those "rich northern rednecks" I
keep hearing about, Sour.

You'uns got a garbage can. (Probably even came with a lid too)

Us real rednecks just pile our trash in the corner until trash day.
Or until the corner gets too big and falls over on us.

It's been known to happen.

Back home in Kentucky, my uncle had it all together. He keep his
hogs under the house. Made him a trap door in the kitchen floor.
Never had a trash problem. (maybe a small smell problem...)
When the Princess and I were dating, I kept her away from my family for a myriad of reasons. Once we were engaged my Mom wanted to take her to pick out a wedding present. So I brought the 'city girl' out to our house. Showed her my two pens of beagles and could tell that she was somewhat fearful, so to help her get over her fears - I went up to Gus the goose and his mate and snatched one of their goslings. As I ran towards the Princess gosling in hand, followed by two honking parents the Princess chose the lesser of two evils and jumped in with the dogs. First fear solved.

To say that the Princess used to be a picky eater would be an understatement so to help her I told what my mother was making for supper - rabbit. We managed to get through supper with no vomiting. Next day as they shopped, the Princess said, "Mrs. Wallace I have to admit that the rabbit we ate last night was not bad at all." My mother said, "Did that boy tell you we were eating rabbit? It was roast beef, honey, and you can't believe a word that boy says."

She entered into this relationship fully forewarned. Ain't love grand?

Spook, zactly how we usedta handle it, but I married a city girl, and she has a thing about garbage. Just don't fully understand, but do my best. Now as for the garage, just can't understand why ya need one when them storage places are so reasonable. They even sell off the stuff if ya don't want it any more. I saw that on a TV show. Can ya believe that?

Thanks, Spook!
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When OldGal goes off on me like that I always tell her, "Well I thought it was funny. My first wife was like that. She used to get P.O.'d about things like that, too."

You'd be amazed at how quickly she gets over her mad. There are some advantages to being married more than once.
THANKS GUYS! Now when I read I read with a rednek accent! SMH! Funny thing is you can drop me in a hooch with atleast 1 rednek and ill be talkin just like he do just to say it helps both us understand eachother! Did that a lot while I was deployed! Gots me tons of accents! Rednek, puertorican, kwiky mart, u nameit I speek it! Lol:lol::lol:
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Spook came close. It's a 'poor Northern redneck' accent for me. The Princess tries and tries, but the culture thing just does not 'take'.
I hear you on the culture thing. After all these years, our wifes need to give
up on changing us.

Like going out to a steakhouse...She still gets mad if I use my pocketknife to
cut the steak. She needs to understand, there is a reason I carry a sharp knife.

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