Sourland in trouble

"Snake on a Stick"....that sounds like one of them foods you would
get at a county fair in Mississippi.



But I guess that makes sense. A good snake would take a really long bun.
What, y'all don't have fried snake at the county fair in Ohio? Here in SC, the vendor for snake is next to the guy frying Snickers!
I remember that conversation, Miss Em.

Tis true...

A hobo like a good poodle snack now and then....

But you can't just leave your poodles laying around the camp...
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I guess I'd have no choice if I were a hobo...
Well, here goes the neighborhood. Em has arrived. To cook snake, cut it into 6 or 8" pieces and fry it up just like eel. It will wiggle around in the fry pan as it cooks - no need to turn it.

Thanks for showing up, Em. I think I was being slammed by our neighbor.
And she doesn't even know me.
Well, maybe she was just confused by the word Garbage Can...I guess they throw theirs in the garage? You know those crazy Canadians...they put maple syrup on everything.

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