Sourland in trouble

sourland,you are awesome
only you could get a thread about sticky trapped snakes to go over 300 posts.

i need threads like this in my life
so thank you all for the laughs.

I had an encounter with a cute little black snake this afternoon - are you sending them my way? I interrupted his/her napping spot under some leaves on a rock while I was planting...
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Maybe today is just the day for black snakes. I encountered one this morning. I was hooking up a hose when I heard a slight rustling sound in a flower bed nearby. A 3 foot long black snake slithered out onto the lawn, and put on the brakes when he saw me. He raised his head up several inches, and darted it this way and that, as though he was trying to figure out what I was and whether I was a threat. When I moved, I guess he made up his mind, because he took off in another direction! Them things is fast!
i found this kingsnake crawling across the garden the other evening.he was less than 3 feet.i took him down to the creek since i still have a few small chicks,otherwise he could have stayed.

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Maybe today is just the day for black snakes. I encountered one this morning. I was hooking up a hose when I heard a slight rustling sound in a flower bed nearby. A 3 foot long black snake slithered out onto the lawn, and put on the brakes when he saw me. He raised his head up several inches, and darted it this way and that, as though he was trying to figure out what I was and whether I was a threat. When I moved, I guess he made up his mind, because he took off in another direction! Them things is fast!
Sounds like a black racer... I'm pretty sure that is what mine was. My cat caught a little black snake a couple of weeks ago and I rescued it - I'm not sure if it is the same snake or I have more than one. It's mouth is so tiny it couldn't eat a mouse.
dinahmoe, that's a beauty. Don't think we have them up here in North NJ, but believe they are in the Pine barrens.

This thread started with a trapped snake and an unfortunate incident on the part of the Princess, went it's myriad directions, and is now back on track with snakes. Life is good.

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