South Carolina

I love my silkies. So photogenic all the time

Here's my silkie/polish mix with his insane foot feathers sticking out from under him. He is 100% attitude! not afraid to challenge everybody and everything! Gets into scuffles almost every day.

Today I let a hen and 8 chicks down to forage for the first time. The turkeys, also out foraging, came over to investigate. The hen decided that these peeping balls of fluff offended her, and pecked one soundly. O.M.G. The (bantam!!) mother jumped ON TOP of the turkey who is like 10 times her size, pinned her head down and pecked, clawed, and generally flogged the surprised turkey until she ran off squalwking. Lesson learned, never get between this hen and her chicks
You gotta love them. They are so beautiful!
OK Silkie people how do you get them to roost? Is that a losing battle? All my coops are on the ground(tractors) so they huddle together in the corner at night on the ground. I am worried they might get really cold that way when it gets really cold. I have a very low roost in with them--a few inches off the ground. They are 5-6 mo old silkies so I know they can get to the roost they just aren't interested in roosting! Thanks!!!
Hi Everyone! I am a new chicken owner living in Charleston. I just wanted to say hello!

Also, I have four 12 week old chicks who were unanimously voted to be cockerels when I posted their pictures on BYC yesterday. Can't have four roos in the city so if anyone is interested in giving them a good home please feel free to get in touch. I am really disappointed because they are friendly fellows and we have really enjoyed them for the last few months.

I think we will wait until after Christmas to start our flock over but please let me know if you are in the area and will have pullets available in January.
OK Silkie people how do you get them to roost? Is that a losing battle? All my coops are on the ground(tractors) so they huddle together in the corner at night on the ground. I am worried they might get really cold that way when it gets really cold. I have a very low roost in with them--a few inches off the ground. They are 5-6 mo old silkies so I know they can get to the roost they just aren't interested in roosting! Thanks!!!

Silkies have 'shredded' feathers, so flying up to a roost is pretty impossible for them. They seem to prefer to sleep in a big pile on the ground. For mine, i have them a dogloo house to sleep in, and they seem to love it :D
Hi Everyone! I am a new chicken owner living in Charleston. I just wanted to say hello!

Also, I have four 12 week old chicks who were unanimously voted to be cockerels when I posted their pictures on BYC yesterday. Can't have four roos in the city so if anyone is interested in giving them a good home please feel free to get in touch. I am really disappointed because they are friendly fellows and we have really enjoyed them for the last few months.

I think we will wait until after Christmas to start our flock over but please let me know if you are in the area and will have pullets available in January.

Welcome! What kind of chickens do you want? There are lots of breeds available in SC!

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