South Carolina

My husband is almost done with the coop!!! Oh PTL!!!! He built it into/under an existing carport type shelter. It has 3 separate roosting/nesting areas and will have separate runs for all too. It's so solid. He says we can't just call it a "coop", it's a "chicken house"!!! I think it's beautiful!! Can't wait to have them in their new HOME SWEET HOME!!!

Yes, I am the one you bought your chicks from. Glad to see you here. I had commented on one of your earlier posts about breeding the Orpingtons.
Love the recycled coop!
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I'm interested in a couple ( or few) of both those RIR's and BO's. Seems to me that a good broody BO to go along with with some RIR egg machines is a match made in Chicken Heaven. I'm about 2 miles off highway 215 in Roebuck, so gas down there and back would be cheaper than postage on mail order chicks. I kinda hate to admit being bitten by the chicken keeping bug, but it's happened, so I might as well get hold of some quality chickens before even thinking about any kind of breeding project(s).
Hi Cornbread Fred!
Welcome to this site! Hang around and chat sometime! I fell into chickens a couple years ago and I can tell you what you are already feeling...they are addictive and have a way of taking your heart! LOL...let the adventures begin!!!
Hi all,
I've been MIA for a while. After my health problems, my husbands heart attack, and then my youngest son getting married, life has been busy. I'm so gald to read these wonderful post again that use to make me laugh.
That coop is amazing!!! You have a great husband to build you such a nice chicken house!!!!
My husband is almost done with the coop!!! Oh PTL!!!! He built it into/under an existing carport type shelter. It has 3 separate roosting/nesting areas and will have separate runs for all too. It's so solid. He says we can't just call it a "coop", it's a "chicken house"!!! I think it's beautiful!! Can't wait to have them in their new HOME SWEET HOME!!!


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