South Carolina

Looks like we're going to be overrun with Muscovy ducklings about Cinco de Mayo. Would love to trade some for almost any large fowl breed (chicks, pullets, or laying hens) with a reputation for going broody.
Ethel laid an egg a day for 22 days, all the while being terrorized
by Fred (Muscovy) and Andy (Pekin), so there is no telling what these ducklings are going to be.

I know what you mean. LOL this isn't all of them in there.

I went to that link but it's like a 10+ page thread. Can you just run down the details? date/time/location... thanks! :)

Look on the first page and the first post. All the info is there. I have been to every one of these they have had. I usually give them something for the raffle to help pay for the site but this year they are charging us vendors a small fee. Not a problem since it is an excellent location and I usually sell about everything I take.
Not only are there all kinds of birds but there are Tshirts, food and tons of friends!
Thank you! How far is that from us? Sounds like a good time... although possibly a little dangerous :yiipchick

It is about an hour and a half, maybe less, depending on what roads you take.

Oh yes, highly dangerous! You will come home with more than you ever imagined and tell hubby to hurry home to add on to that coop like he was talking about! LOL It didn't use to be so bad before they put debit card readers on cell phones! Although plenty of buyers were rushing out to the local stores to use the ATMs before that.
It really is so much fun and there isn't a bigger local poultry event like this, only APA or ABA shows and they don't touch on how much fun you can have like this does!
we still have plenty of room in our coop for more chickens.. Any other poultry we need to add on... Ducky housing is already in the works but he wants Turkeys too.
I figured he wanted turkeys after seeing mine. He had lots of plan! I thought it was you this entire time but I think the bug has bit him, as well! I am sure we can set you all up with plenty of great birds!
I figured he wanted turkeys after seeing mine. He had lots of plan! I thought it was you this entire time but I think the bug has bit him, as well! I am sure we can set you all up with plenty of great birds!
yes he said he wasn't sure about them until we got them now he's just as bad as I am! Definitely isn't a bad thing!

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