South Carolina

Jackie B. :

My Great Pyr, Midas, successfully ate all of the chicken poo the first day he went in the back yard. I think he OD'd and he won't touch it now.

Hey girlfriend! You changed your name and are now Paris Mtn eggs!
I did tell you I raised there near Paris Mtn, didn't I? Went to Paris Elementary back when it was still the old brick building, did time in Sevier Middle way before they thought to tear part of it down and redo it and went every Sunday to Piedmont Park Methodist.
But I think you are on the other side of Paris Mtn, on the Furman side?

How is Midas taking his incarceration?​
Well, I hope you got the rain yesterday like us! I was just about to see if I needed to water some plants when the bottom fell out of the clouds. It rained for over an hour. So nice! Until I had to walk through wet grass to feed everyone.

It came down in sheets and the ducks were loving it. Even the youngsters were out standing in it, I would have thought they would have gone in their coops but we saw them standing out enjoying the big fat cold drops.
I was pretty sure we were in for a hard rain when the Guinea cooped up. He is good for warning of many things so I am glad he came to live here.

AND I am now the owner of some beautiful keets! Had a decent hatch, my friend came and got her half but left me some lavender/blue/? and some regular ones. They are pretty cool so far. I have another friend wanting to give me some (she got bit by fire ants here 2 years ago).
Still have another 18 Guinea eggs in the bator waiting to hatch and I have white bantam Cochins popping out this morning.

Seems to me, I said I was going to slow down......
Hey Nadine ~ you have peaches~ I have a question for you! I have a peach tree that I planted last year. This is our first year with peaches on it. We have a few dozen peaches on it but I think the peaches have a fungus or something on them. They have these little tiny black spots appearing on almost all of them so I'm wondering if they will all be a complete loss
Have you ever had any trouble with your peaches like that~ if so, do you know how to protect them from catching it??

And crunchy here to! We got a little bit of rain~ but I think my yard wants more
Hey girlfriend! You changed your name and are now Paris Mtn eggs!
I did tell you I raised there near Paris Mtn, didn't I? Went to Paris Elementary back when it was still the old brick building, did time in Sevier Middle way before they thought to tear part of it down and redo it and went every Sunday to Piedmont Park Methodist.
But I think you are on the other side of Paris Mtn, on the Furman side?

How is Midas taking his incarceration?

Hey woman! Yeah I did the upgrade because people kept calling me Juli. SCJULI stood for my Santa Cruz Juliana mountain bike hahaha.

I know exactly where you're talking about! I had no idea you were raised right around here! Yup I'm on the Furman side, at the bottom. When I tell people I live on Paris Mtn. I think they think I'm snooty so I have to tell them 'no no no, we're all the way at the bottom, no view'. But we so love living there because it's so nice and shady. It's about 10-12 degrees cooler in the woods right now so the girls are loving their shade cover. Too bad thoguh the only things I can grow is chickens in the shade!

Midas is doing well. He's getting snipped on Friday and we've discovered he loves to play with other dogs and little kids. He actually bounces off the ground when little kids are around and plays very poiltely with them too. So I guess it's a good thing he likes kids and dogs as much as he, uh, likes to eat chickens!

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Hey any one here on the SC Forum~ I am in desperate need to relocate my beautiful 2 BO Roo's. They are gorgeous and super friendly and still haven't crowed yet. But I need to rehome them before they do!!!
Is there any one near the upstate area that could adopt them or do you know any other people that may be able to?? I only own 6 chickens and they have never been sick or exposed to any other chickens since I purchased them. I would love to know they find a good home. Please don't hesitate to pm me if you know of any possible homes for them! Much love

Ohhh funny story, maybe not that funny~ more like my pets trampled all over my blood, sweat and tears~ Well yesterday I was SO busy working on the coop in the garage I never went out back to check on things. Well apparently "the squirrel" must have been taughting my female dog Bella again... I went out late afternoon yesterday to check on the vege garden and as I start from the bottom of the hill and observe the garden my plants are looking a little ragged~ they appeared to be slightly wilted and kinda, shall I say stepped on... I thought man the sun must have been rough today. Then I look at the next garden~ things seem even more slanted... not uprooted just messed up a little. I Walk up to the next garden and think wow everything looks disturbed. Then I look up at the very top of the hill and the fence is knocked down!!!!!
I thought oooohhhh my goodness Bella must have jumped up against it to catch the squirrel meanwhile she gave the chickens free access to the vege garden
They were just having a gee golly grand time I'm sure rummaging through the garden.
I swear I coulda buried that dog so many times because of all the madness she puts me through
I just couldn't bring myself to look to close at the garden yesterday. I closed up the fence~ again. And then watered and figured I'd see what it looks like today. Haha I was so distraught I left the water on even while it a storm blew over.
I guess it deserved some extra water since it was able to withstand the chickens and the dog. So I will go and check it out later but I was not expecting that~ I did see some of my tomatoes sacrificed yet again~ why do they keep stealing my tomatoes! I think I will be breaking out the concrete at some point so these fence posts won't be going anywhere ever agan.

On a good note~ I'm making alot of progress on the coop! Hopefully my next weekend I should be finished
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Oh yeah, I have peaches! Down the road at the peach orchard.
They aren't mine and I would not know how to get them to grow. We planted a plum tree years ago and it never did much so I gave up on it. The neighbors have several plum trees and he gives me buckets of plums from them. Most we eat, others go to the chickens.
When we want peaches we go 2 miles to the peach orchard and pick them. They are yummy! Like local strawberries!
Yeah, Jackie, you the man! Er...I mean WOman! I seldom look because then I want to buy. Or adopt.

However, I am still looking for that ad that says "will work for free"....or work for eggs....or work for chicken manure or even will work for your extra roosters!

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