South Carolina

Yeah Nicole does not like the way a muscovy looks. I read somewhere they are good eats LOL. She did say yours are not as ugly as she thought muscovies were gonna be. So I guess you have cute ones!

Before I bought any in Landrum I asked about the chances of getting a roo .... wondered if I should get more than 3 SLW in case they were all roos..........the girl said they are all supposed to be pullets.

You have how many coming from hatcheries!!??

I didn't care for muscovy ducks at first either. But last year I had the opportunity to get some blues, lavender and chocolate ducks so of course I did. I absolutely love these birds. They are so calm, docile and quiet - very different from my other ducks. I also think they're beautiful now that I've seen them up close. I love how they raise their crests and "hiss" when they get upset. Mine have just started laying and I can't wait to have ducklings.
Plus, they're supposed to be excellent fly control and after I got all of my other ducks we started having flies. Go figure, I shoulda got muscovys first.
I have always loved all the photos of the ones I have seen on here. The Muscovy look like sweet ducks in everyone's photos and I like the fact that they go broody. I do not have a lot of faith that I can hatch duck eggs, though I just won some of the Crazy 24 hour Auction. Cayuga eggs, not Muscovy.

So far I am loving the Muscovy. They have, indeed, been quiet and respectful girls. Not flighty like the Runners, which I love for beauty instead of temperament. I truly did not mind which color I got in Muscovy and am tickled they are chocolate. The Rescue place is supposed to send me photos in the next few days for me to pick out a quad or more and are supposed to deliver them this weekend. I told them they could bring what they wanted, I am just happy to be able to offer them a home.

I would have waited and gotten some from Joy but that seemed interminable to me so I take what is offered now.
Hi All!

I am in the Upstate and am wanting to know where you in the Upstate go to get your chicks. I have in the past used Piedmont Farm and Garden off Heron Circle in Spartanburg. We have been very pleased with the chicks we received from them, but were looking to maybe branch out a bit. Anyone have a suggestion for me? We are only planning to add 5 this year, so we weren't planning to go the mail order route, but would be willing to do a little traveling, maybe up to an hour away. We are kinda new to this and really appreciate all the combined knowledge. THANKS, looking forward to hearing from you!
Hi Carolinasculpture...welcome! If I were in the upstate and I wanted chicks I would go see Nadine! Well in fact I drove a couple hours to see her so there you have it!

John and Eric how are the chickies? Hope everything went well with the hatch esp after the power outages..let us know.

Okay I am working tonight so I better go clean the brooder and move some chicks..woohoo almost have a chick free laundry room

Hope everyone has a great day!
Hi CarolinaSculpture! Welcome to our SC thread!

How many chickens do you have now? I wish I could only add 5 and be happy. I am adding about 100 this year. I will sell off the rest or put them in the freezer.

Most feed stores have chicks. They all get from one hatchery or another. I order some in from hatcheries and hatch some myself.

I just set 60 eggs for a friend of many different breeds. (Sounds like she is a different breed! LOL) She told me I could have what I wanted for hatching them for her. Some are from her blue Cochins and I know Yancy would love to have a blue girl but I am not sure if I can tell as young as a few days old if it is a boy or girl and need to send these home in a few days of hatch. I have a good many more chicks coming for myself and haven't room to keep them for long. I will see when they hatch what I may like, if any. I am hatching out every week just for myself and stuff to sell.

Oh and Yancy, I have 2 chicks out of my big Cochin boy. Can't tell color yet. They are cute chicks but I haven't a clue what they will feather out like.
Not fair not fair! You know my hubby wants a huge Cochin roo. Wonder how George the new sizzle would get along with a new cochin roo.

Really really need to go ahead and disptach Hannah. The girls just look awful and they won't keep their aprons on. He is a good boy in terms of hawk awareness but he just does not get enough of the girls.

What to do, what to do. I should just get a mini donkey and be done with it.
Hi! Thanks! Nadine, your place sounds great!

We have 2 Leghorns, 2 Production Reds, 1 Black Australorp, 1 BR, and 1 EE. We are looking to add something of maybe these breeds: Buff Orpington, Delaware, Wyandotte... and our daughter (7) wants a a Golden Lace Polish (loves the "hair"). I have worked on farms before and my husband was a dairy farmer growing up and we had "chickens", but they were always just that, the chickens. These that we have now, I did not imagine how much FUN they would be and cute.
They really are pets, and we love the eggs, too.
Hi y'all!

Is anyone in the Upstate going to be selling guinea eggs this spring? My incubator is full at the moment, but in April or May I'd love to hatch some guineas... and it would be a bonus to get to meet someone from BYC!

My hatch didn't fair so well, at least not the shipped egg part. All 3 I got from my Gma hatched perfectly. Only had 2 of the black australorp shipped eggs hatch, so i guess that means no BA from me at the swap.

But some good news today, had 2 orders placed for chicks. 1 for 50 white leghorns and 1 order for 10 RIR, 5 BO, and 5 BR. SO I'll be busy with that for the next solid month.
Dh went by TSC to get chicken feed and a few other things. . . I have been asking for ducks for a few months now and he didn't seem interested. . . apparently all it took was him holding a mallard duckling and he said we can get some ducks!
I've got a lot of research to do before it happens, though. . .

Oh Nadine- do you sell ducks?
I want the experience of ducklings, at least this time around!

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