South Carolina

Oh my yes! You need to expand that project because these are supposed to be so great for chicks. I plan on taking a few down to the brooders in a few minutes just to watch and hear them race around with "look what I got and none of you can have any!" I can't stand it! I have to sacrifice a few!
You'll have to give us the details on how u raise the worms Nadine! I bet the chicks will love them!

I had to kill my first black snake yesterday. It was in the coop. I normally will not kill black snakes but it was just to comfortable in the coop so it had to go!
Oh my yes! You need to expand that project because these are supposed to be so great for chicks. I plan on taking a few down to the brooders in a few minutes just to watch and hear them race around with "look what I got and none of you can have any!" I can't stand it! I have to sacrifice a few!

When we move hay, I grab silkie chicks love them
confession time...
My 17 happy chicklets are now 21!

I went by The Feed Bucket to get some chicken feed, and they had babies the exact same age as my babies in the brooder! How could I resist? (especially after learning that they were all girls!)
So, of course I ended up coming home with a shoebox containing 2 Buff Orpingtons and 2 Barred rocks...

As to raising mealworms... are they just a chick treat? or is there some other benefit?
So far I like watching the meal worms consume all the potatoes. I am finding only potato peels just since this morning. They are working on apples and cukes now. I will add carrot tomorrow. Leah saw them when she came home and said"Eeewwww!" but started playing with them. And I already have some pupating!
I gotta buy another tub but I am still working out the details in the midst of all the other stuff I have going on.
I think Dick has been doing it a few months so he knows a lot more than I do about it.

Snake! OMG! I have got to get more sulfur put out. That is the biggest way I lose chicks and sometimes even half grown banties.

Meal worms are high in protein so they are a very nutritional treat for chicks. Just like a lot of bugs and grubs they get when free ranging. However, some people spice up the mealies with starter and vitamins to make them even better for feeding.
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Anyone in the upstate interested in blue orpington roosters, I'll have at least 3 that I will need to rehome. I'm only planning on keeping one. A couple are about 6 weeks old and I know I have at least one that is 4 weeks old. PM me if you're interested

Here is a photo of the hatch mates that were not raised together for a few weeks. I had 2 Javas in with the Cayuga and the other 6 in with other chicks. You see the difference the niacin made?

And the only difference was that I put Niacin in the water for the one that is bigger and I put a different mixture of vitamins in the other waters.
I have long said that the vit/electrolytes were a waste of money so I don't use them.
I do however, use A-D-E and it does boost the immune system. I also use vinegar/garlic in the water twice a week. So the chicks get plain water once or twice a week but more often with something added to the water.
I have now added Niacin to the water twice a week.

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