South Carolina

Hi Gavin,
we never mind when you "northerners" visit us! LOL

I saw something on another community about them but I am not sure if it was in SC. I am on so many community places now that BYC has been so difficult and I can't remember where I saw it. Someone had eggs, chicks or maybe even adults for sale but I think it was hatching eggs.
Many thanks... for some reason I thought Mary may have some (Southernbeelady) but I may be mistaken. I have 12+ eggs coming and just wanted to know if there was anone else closer that may have them.
Hi all, the foreigner from north of the border here again( those who know me will know what I mean), is there anyone in SC that keeps Swedish Flower Hens?
I have to say that you are from sooo far north that you are well past being Yankee...just a foreiner we all love to hear from!!! LOL I did enjoy talking to you and meeting you in Gaston! Glad those eggs worked out! Hope to run into you sometime soon again! (Like so many others...I love to hear your accent! Hope mine isn't too red hills country for you to understand! LOL) Hope you find the Swedes you are looking for!!!
Ok so some of you know from FB but thought I would share...I was at Nikkis and we were looking at a bluebird nest that mom had not been seen at ( cat around) and eggs were knocked out of(not broke) .I tried to get her to hatch them and somehow they came home with me!! 2 broke on the ride home but 3 went in my bator...found they have an 11 day incubation which was today...2 have hatched and the last is pipped!! Feeding was sketchy at first but we seem to be in a groove now and they are pooping nice!! well as nice as poop can be! I see it as a sign they are eating well and right! Here are our lil martians...Guineas have nothing on these babies!!

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