South Ga Swap Meet MAY 14TH

Ok, I'm thinking of having the swap in May. Any ideas of a good day? Also, I will have to rent porta toilets since the facilities in the barn aren't complete. Will have to figure out a way to pay for those. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.
Ok, how does May 14th work for everyone? Think it will work better if every one brings their own food and drinks. Let me hear from everyone who thinks they may can come and what they will bring and I'll start a list.
So it would be in Moultrie right? I think I would be able to come. I'm going to the Red roof grill out May 7, its up in N Ga, though, so it's a drive. Here's the link. Maybe you can skim thru it to get an idea of what to have/do? Maybe you could charge a small admin. fee to cover some of the portapotty? I'm sure people would rather pay a small fee than go without.

Are we going to be swapping eggs, chicks, and/or chickens? It might be a good idea to have a must swap rule, If you bring it, it has to be swapped.
I will definitely be there. I won't have any chickens to swap but I would like to buy some. I would like eggs too. I have a friend who will be coming and she will want to buy too. I know she would be interested in mixed breeds too.
Then I think I would definitely leave my wife at home.
Or maybe she might want to bring me?
My idea is to just bring what you want to sale or trade. Don't have to sell or swap anything you don't want to. I will request on my flyer that all animals be healthy. I think people could also bring other things besides chickens, such as ducks, rabbits and other small animals. As far as shade, you might want to bring something. I do have one tent I will be putting up. Still working on alot of details. Will post everything as I figure them out. Let me know what everyone might be bringing. I have alot for sale right now, if Tay Boe doesn't buy everything first.
I don't think that chickens have to be pure bred, some folks love mutts. Keep the ideas coming!
Haha I do love my chickens! Hey have you considered a raffle? One auction I go to raffles a goat and they raise a nice bit on her. Maybe some eggs or pair of chickens?
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