Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

So far I've planted: 4 different varieties of sunflowers, basil, parsley, 4 different squash/zucchinis, rosemary, mixed lettuce and arugula, tomato plants, 2 different kale, comfrey is sprouting from last year and looking good. Wish my girls would eat it as that's why I have it.

Hmm....oh my different mints are coming back as well. Got to get a nice pepper plant in this weekend and what ever suits my fancy when I see it.
Can you post a better pic of just the two dark brahmas? It is probable that they are just growing at different speeds (just like all animals do), and as long as they are eating and drinking and pooping all is probably fine. I have raised several dark brahma them now and one thing I have noticed is that the males feather out a lot slower than the females (this is common in a lot of breeds, but I have found it to be pronounced in the dark brahmas). The males and females feather in very differently, so if you put up a good pic of the sides and back of the chicks (comb pics are great too) it will be helpful. It really takes a few weeks to be sure though. The main thing you are looking for lacing on the females, the males won't have it (or at least they shouldn't, some hatchery chicks do have some). This will show up long before the hackle and saddle feathers and the larger combs. 
Thanks JerseyHen. I hope it's not a roo cause we aren't allowed to have them, though I was worried about that because I have read that possibility. Hope fully I can post these pics of what we are hoping is Penny and Nugget. How are your bramas at egg production? I was going to get more reds but ended up only getting 1 and added the 2 dark brahmas.




I saw you said you had one blueberry and haven't gotten any fruit. Unless it is a self-pollinator you need three varieties for cross pollination in order for it to bear fruit.

Good luck!

I saw you said you had one blueberry and haven't gotten any fruit. Unless it is a self-pollinator you need three varieties for cross pollination in order for it to bear fruit.

Good luck!
good to know! I was just looking over my gurney's catalog and they suggest 2 or more.
Oooooh.. I'm trying to stay away from the Gurney's catalog, waaayyy too tempting! (But then, there I am stopping at every farm stand and Lowe's on the weekends.. who am I kidding??
) I've gotta ask, what's a CLB? Cuddly Light Brahma? Chicken Living in Basement? Cute Little Barnevelder?

I saw you said you had one blueberry and haven't gotten any fruit.  Unless it is a self-pollinator you need three varieties for cross pollination in order for it to bear fruit.

Good luck!

Have yor been on before? If not welcome...
2 Arucanas and 4 chicks from Loretta's eggs. One of Loretta's pipping and that's it.
Gonna open the eggs up tommorow . They were developing fine . Can't believe that many had the lethal tuft gene combo but I guess it's possible with them coming from different Roos and different hens.
I have two self pollinating varieties. But still no blueberries...I feel like that's how it is , I get so many tomatoes that they go bad, I give them away...something like blueberries or asparagus...and I can't get a single one.

I think clb = cream legbar

I am so in love with spring right now. I mowed the lawn and planted some feels wonderful to be outside. The chickens are funny to watch the entire time. Either they are right next to be looking for worms or running away from the lawn mower . They decided today that my sons soccer ball was something they should run at and puff all their feathers out to scare it away. Fun times :)

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