Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

Hi Everyone!

I have been MIA or really, just "in action" because I wasn't missing, I was in Texas. Man that was a long week but as of 9:25pm I can honestly say I have a grip on the most important stuff and the still important but not quite as urgent stuff is also getting done. We apparently have roof rats and killer spiders, yuck, not liking that aspect of southern life already. Husband was complaining about the possibilities of there being snakes, I said, be quiet, they might take care of the rats. Monday I spent the whole day at the zoo and got to hang out with my favorite Emu Kevin for a bit again. She has already grown up since the fall, and if I said that that to anyone but poultry lovers they would think I was crazy but I know you know what I mean. She was a bit more focused and less toddler like.

The bantams have settled into their new digs nicely apparently. Reading through all of the posts I missed it is clear that I will have to get some silkies when I move, because no-one will realize that they are chickens. I'll just call them parrots and leave it at that.

I am still "head down, ruck forward" mode but am fiercely guarding the 18th on my calendar and will be in NJ to say hello / goodbye to all that can make it. I may not make it on to chat for awhile again but just know I'm reading, and sending you all hugs and love and chicken kisses! Keep posting the pictures of your new fluffy babies, love them all!

Kevin was looking at sparrows out the window, I think

This blue macaw was the model for "Blue" in the movie Rio

Seriously, how could you not love a face like that?

This is Eliza the Fennec Fox

And this is her very soft and cuddly daughter

I will be driving past this bull every day on the way to the girls' new school!

Mama duck and her 11 babies in the shopping center fountain. I love that they put wooden access ramps in for them. It was beyond adorable.
I've been checking Craigs list regularly. I really like the one that has a dog run attached. I figured that would be the best way to go for actual construction. The seller states he paid $2200 two years ago. I don't know how big it is or what shape its in. I really don't want to go over $500, and that was before I found out I was out of prescription drug benefits for the year! Yikes. Still two months until the new benefit year starts...
The one with the two free chickens includes a rooster, appropriately named Dinner. My town allows up to 6 hens. No roosters allowed. So that's out.
The $100 coop, with 4 chickens looks okay, but...its a tractor and the chickens look uncomfortable. Don't they look like they have to duck down? (No poultry pun intended) It's not my dream coop lets just say.
The coop in West Haven for $500 looks great. Though I'm a little concerned about how I'd get in to clean it. I don't see a people sized door. And I have no idea how I'd get it home or in the back yard. I've emailed the owner for clarification.
There is one for $700 in New Paltz. It looks like just what I wanted. Automatic door and all.
I think my problem is that my family is not on board with the whole chicken thing. I may need a year to work on them. I'm not happy about it, but I need their support at least in the early stages. I find once a pet is here they get attached very quickly.
So I probably will be a lurker/commenter here for a while. I appreciate the very warm welcome I received to the forum.
Ginger in Centereach
I've been checking Craig's list regularly. I really like the one that has a dog run attached. I figured that would be the best way to go for actual construction. The seller states he paid $2200 two years ago. I don't know how big it is or what shape its in. I really don't want to go over $500, and that was before I found out I was out of prescription drug benefits for the year! Yikes. Still two months until the new benefit year starts...
The one with the two free chickens includes a rooster, appropriately named Dinner. My town allows up to 6 hens. No roosters allowed. So that's out.
The $100 coop, with 4 chickens looks okay, but...its a tractor and the chickens look uncomfortable. Don't they look like they have to duck down? (No poultry pun intended) It's not my dream coop lets just say.
The coop in West Haven for $500 looks great. Though I'm a little concerned about how I'd get in to clean it. I don't see a people sized door. And I have no idea how I'd get it home or in the back yard. I've emailed the owner for clarification.
There is one for $700 in New Paltz. It looks like just what I wanted. Automatic door and all.
I think my problem is that my family is not on board with the whole chicken thing. I may need a year to work on them. I'm not happy about it, but I need their support at least in the early stages. I find once a pet is here they get attached very quickly.
So I probably will be a lurker/commenter here for a while. I appreciate the very warm welcome I received to the forum.
Ginger in Centereach
Apparently I put this in the wrong thread! Sorry it was meant for the introductions one. Don't know how to move it.
Any suggestions would be more than welcomed. Thanks. Ginger
I've been checking Craigs list regularly.  I really like the one that has a dog run attached.  I figured that would be the best way to go for actual construction.  The seller states he paid $2200 two years ago.  I don't know how big it is or what shape its in.  I really don't want to go over $500, and that was before I found out I was out of prescription drug benefits for the year!  Yikes.  Still two months until the new benefit year starts...
The one with the two free chickens includes a rooster, appropriately named Dinner.  My town allows up to 6 hens.  No roosters allowed. So that's out.
The $100 coop, with 4 chickens looks okay, but...its a tractor and the chickens look uncomfortable.  Don't they look like they have to duck down?  (No poultry pun intended)  It's not my dream coop lets just say.
The coop in West Haven for $500 looks great.  Though I'm a little concerned about how I'd get in to clean it.  I don't see a people sized door.  And I have no idea how I'd get it home or in the back yard.  I've emailed the owner for clarification.
There is one for $700 in New Paltz.  It looks like just what I wanted.  Automatic door and all. 
I think my problem is that my family is not on board with the whole chicken thing.  I may need a year to work on them.  I'm not happy about it, but I need their support at least in the early stages.  I find once a pet is here they get attached very quickly.
So I probably will be a lurker/commenter here for a while.  I appreciate the very warm welcome I received to the forum.
Ginger in Centereach

Hi Ginger, from my own experience, take the family to see chickens at a farm. Talk to chicken people. Spend time reading and educating the family. I was the one who didn't want the chickens (gasp). Now I have my hens (no roosters here in rockland cty) and am happily preparing to get more. My husband got toped into it and is now an enabler. Honestly the two of us never liked birds as pets ....we both grew up with cockatiels and parrots in our homes. Not to say we don't like birds, just we appreciated dogs and cats Etta more. Now I spend more time with the chickens than any other animal in my house. It just feels good to be out there, especially on nice days. I've heard so many people on BYC say its therapy....they are right. For whatever reason in less than a year I've become a chicken lover ...and so has my family. Give them time and soon they will be enabling you too.
Imprfctme, I'm glad that you checked in, and that you're doing okay. I'm hoping that your home will be all that you wish it to be for you and your family! What great zoo pics. I love Kevin the emu, too!

Ahhh... CLB = cream legbar! What an intriguing breed!
I've been checking Craigs list regularly. I really like the one that has a dog run attached. I figured that would be the best way to go for actual construction. The seller states he paid $2200 two years ago. I don't know how big it is or what shape its in. I really don't want to go over $500, and that was before I found out I was out of prescription drug benefits for the year! Yikes. Still two months until the new benefit year starts...
The one with the two free chickens includes a rooster, appropriately named Dinner. My town allows up to 6 hens. No roosters allowed. So that's out.
The $100 coop, with 4 chickens looks okay, but...its a tractor and the chickens look uncomfortable. Don't they look like they have to duck down? (No poultry pun intended) It's not my dream coop lets just say.
The coop in West Haven for $500 looks great. Though I'm a little concerned about how I'd get in to clean it. I don't see a people sized door. And I have no idea how I'd get it home or in the back yard. I've emailed the owner for clarification.
There is one for $700 in New Paltz. It looks like just what I wanted. Automatic door and all.
I think my problem is that my family is not on board with the whole chicken thing. I may need a year to work on them. I'm not happy about it, but I need their support at least in the early stages. I find once a pet is here they get attached very quickly.
So I probably will be a lurker/commenter here for a while. I appreciate the very warm welcome I received to the forum.
Ginger in Centereach
You might want to look into a "Rabbit hutch" type of thing-if they are labeled "Rabbit" they are cheaper than something labeled "Chicken". I have no idea why, but you can convert a rabbit hutch into a chicken coop pretty easily, usually just by adding a ramp.

I'm actually looking into a rabbit hutch myself, for the silkies, since they are small, I'm not even looking for a big one. A friend of mine gave me a dog run so all I need is a little house. You might want to look into that possibility too.

Sallysec is absolutely right-take the family to see chickens at a petting farm. They really are enchanting creatures. You might also find some articles for your husband to read about how healthy fresh eggs are, compared to what you find in the store. Really, convinced my husband, and now he talks to them when Im not looking.

Good Luck-housing is the hardest part of chicken keeping. Do you think that they'd be more supportive if you got a few chicks? It's a long time any way until they can go outside into a pen. If they love the chicks, the house may be easier to get...
Imprfctme, I'm glad that you checked in, and that you're doing okay. I'm hoping that your home will be all that you wish it to be for you and your family! What great zoo pics. I love Kevin the emu, too!

Ahhh... CLB = cream legbar! What an intriguing breed!
I want a couple of CLB's. I just have to find some! They are quite rare. I have the chicken fever...
I have two self pollinating varieties. But still no blueberries...I feel like that's how it is , I get so many tomatoes that they go bad, I give them away...something like blueberries or asparagus...and I can't get a single one.

I think clb = cream legbar

I am so in love with spring right now. I mowed the lawn and planted some feels wonderful to be outside. The chickens are funny to watch the entire time. Either they are right next to be looking for worms or running away from the lawn mower . They decided today that my sons soccer ball was something they should run at and puff all their feathers out to scare it away. Fun times :)

Are you pruning them and when and how? I fine self pollinators do better with other varieties anyway.
Well I had 75% of Loretta's eggs hatch that she gave me and only 2 of the mail order Aruacanas hatch. One has a terribly deformed leg. 7 were not viable from the beginning 5 were fully developed ,probably died around 18+ days of development. And 2.stopped early on .what a way to spend $40.00
Well I had 75% of Loretta's eggs hatch that she gave me and only 2 of the mail order Aruacanas hatch. One has a terribly deformed leg. 7 were not viable from the beginning 5 were fully developed ,probably died around 18+ days of development. And 2.stopped early on .what a way to spend $40.00

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