Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

Hi All!

Lots going on here. Good and bad.

First, chicken news. Pearl, my bantam frizzle, has been laying consistently. I just love those little eggs! Harboiled a bunch for mini egg salad. I had to rehome Lavinia and Lola for noise reasons, and threw in Wanda because she's not laying anymore. Early menopause?? So now I'm down to 11. As the older girls quit laying, I think I'm going to switch to all production reds. Not as much fun, but I can start selling eggs and that would be nice. Shirley (my red) is so quite and friendly and such a good layer. I'd be happy to have a flock of all Shirleys!

First the good news. I got called back by my District for a part time (40%) position. Ready for this? Teaching Math! So all my chicken math lessons will help. I have a great part-time schedule: Monday through Thursday 9-12:30. Fridays off. Of course, I'm only making 40% of my salary, but with all the tutoring I'm doing, it puts me close to where I was. And there's some big grant money coming into the district at the end of the month, so it's conceivable I could be offered full time. I'm just enjoying being back to work and having such a great schedule.

Now the bad news. Laura and her boyfriend broke up last week. He called it quits, although she was waiting for it. He's a very young 26 and she's a mature 28. He wants to party with his friends all the time. So he chose that over a relationship with her. She's really hurting right now. It doesn't help that they have to see each other at the firehouse. She had quit her hateful job to work with his mother, but she couldn't face being there every day, so now she's heartbroken AND unemployed. But she's a trooper. She's been doing her fd job with her head held high. So many people have been so supportive, it's been great. She knows she's better off without him, but she misses having him around. And of course, he's acting like nothing's wrong, so that hurts too. People know the truth, though.

Probably the worst part is that they had plans to celebrate her birthday (Monday) by going to Disney. They were supposed to leave Saturday. It took her about 4 hours by phone to cancel the trip. It breaks my heart. I wish I could make it all better. I've been trying to be supportive without crowding her. It's such a tough situation. I guess it just takes time.

I still love being married. I guess that just takes time, too, huh?

Hey Suzanne, I hate to see anyone go through heartbreak/aches. Even when we know its for the best we all have been there when it hurts so much and nothing anyone says helps. I hope that you and her friends supporting her have plans to keep her busy on Monday. I think the first few days are always the hardest and the moments you expect the person. Maybe plan some big sleep over for her. I know it sounds like a young girl thing but it might just help her keep occupied and remind her that she has tons of support. I have a friend who is about to turn thirty and she has horrible luck with men. Every time she breaks up with a guy or he dumps her, I drive to CT and stop at two stores along the way. I get her ice cream and junk food from one...and last time I stopped at a little naughty store for another thing I wont mention here. I do it because I want her to laugh and because I love her and that is what I feel like she needs to know...she is still worth someones love.
Hugs for you both
Thanks for all the kind words and hugs for my daughter. Her friends have been amazing, including the guys from the firehouse and their wives/girlfriends. We're planning some redecorating so that's a positive focus.

Here's a great story: When Laura's father decided to stop seeing her (when she was around 2-1/2) on one of the last visits he had with her, he brought her a bag of Charms lollipops. (The flat ones, not the blow pops). Well, the other day an old friend of Laura's texted her and explained scientifically how it's impossible to cry with a lollipop in your mouth. Then she dropped off a box of the old-fashioned Charms lollipops. She had remembered that story. I was blown away.

Anyway, Laura's got a dizzying number of commitments over the next few days, including lunch with Mom on her birthday. We're taking Bobby's Corvette convertible. I'm trying to convince her that we need to have lunch in Albany...

Chicken word problems. A definite!
I joined this group about 6 months ago. I joined for the same reason you did. But what I find is that this really is only a chat space for people that already know each other. I never got any answers to any of my questions. There are a few people that sort of dominate the forum with alot of personal conversation. I get everything I need at Tractor Supply, or order on line. I just bought a big coop and will sell you my small one if you still need a coop. The coop is the most important thing to get first. then youll need pine shavings for the floor of the coop. then you will need feed. then you get your chicks.
good luck, rose
Hi Guys! STill here in DFW area, and still chicken-less, but I recently discovered a neighbor has hens. I found this out by rescuing one that was wandering alone in her yard, lol. I actually don't think I'm ready for chickens again just yet, but I'm sure I'll change my tune when spring comes. My next question to you all is: the Texas State Fair is coming up soon..... anyone coming? It's a long shot, I know. But thought I'd ask.

Suzanne, I'm so happy for you that you have a teaching job again! I do wonder though if you are going to automatically grade the answer "8" as correct to all math problems. Please tell Laura I am sorry, but as someone else mentioned, she probably dodged a bigger bullet there. True story: I was actually engaged twice before I married my current husband. Both relationships were total bad-ideas covered in red flags in hindsight. As long as you're learning, the problems life throws at you are always surmountable.

We are coming home for a week around Thanksgiving, and possibly earlier than that. John's dad is not doing well and has been in the hospital for close to two months. I'm not sure what's going to happen. If there's anything I can bring for you guys from here let me know, although I will not be stopping by Ideal anytime soon. :)

Take care, Heath
Hi Guys! STill here in DFW area, and still chicken-less, but I recently discovered a neighbor has hens. I found this out by rescuing one that was wandering alone in her yard, lol. I actually don't think I'm ready for chickens again just yet, but I'm sure I'll change my tune when spring comes. My next question to you all is: the Texas State Fair is coming up soon..... anyone coming? It's a long shot, I know. But thought I'd ask.

Suzanne, I'm so happy for you that you have a teaching job again! I do wonder though if you are going to automatically grade the answer "8" as correct to all math problems. Please tell Laura I am sorry, but as someone else mentioned, she probably dodged a bigger bullet there. True story: I was actually engaged twice before I married my current husband. Both relationships were total bad-ideas covered in red flags in hindsight. As long as you're learning, the problems life throws at you are always surmountable.

We are coming home for a week around Thanksgiving, and possibly earlier than that. John's dad is not doing well and has been in the hospital for close to two months. I'm not sure what's going to happen. If there's anything I can bring for you guys from here let me know, although I will not be stopping by Ideal anytime soon. :)

Take care, Heath

Sorry to hear about your father in law, hope he is better soon.
I joined this group about 6 months ago. I joined for the same reason you did. But what I find is that this really is only a chat space for people that already know each other. I never got any answers to any of my questions. There are a few people that sort of dominate the forum with alot of personal conversation. I get everything I need at Tractor Supply, or order on line. I just bought a big coop and will sell you my small one if you still need a coop. The coop is the most important thing to get first. then youll need pine shavings for the floor of the coop. then you will need feed. then you get your chicks.
good luck, rose
Please don't be discouraged, I don't think any of us knew one another before this forum and I have made some wonderful friends in real life as a result of this forum. Since this is in the social section "where am I? Where are you?" section, it is intended for personal conversation, info specific to locality, and QnA regarding specific topics of concern. While I have always found folks in here to be very ready to offer advice and info, questions regarding raising of flocks, emergencies, and the like will get the fastest responses in the "raising backyard chickens" forums. If your questions were missed, it is entirely possible that is is related to a slow down on this forum and you have been seeing the handful of more regular visitors having some chats. I have noticed that it has not been nearly as busy as usual. At one point I created a google map that people could tag with chicken specific supply locations, breeders, shows, fairs, and members, perhaps I can revive that a bit as well.
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Hi Guys! STill here in DFW area, and still chicken-less, but I recently discovered a neighbor has hens. I found this out by rescuing one that was wandering alone in her yard, lol. I actually don't think I'm ready for chickens again just yet, but I'm sure I'll change my tune when spring comes. My next question to you all is: the Texas State Fair is coming up soon..... anyone coming? It's a long shot, I know. But thought I'd ask.

Suzanne, I'm so happy for you that you have a teaching job again! I do wonder though if you are going to automatically grade the answer "8" as correct to all math problems. Please tell Laura I am sorry, but as someone else mentioned, she probably dodged a bigger bullet there. True story: I was actually engaged twice before I married my current husband. Both relationships were total bad-ideas covered in red flags in hindsight. As long as you're learning, the problems life throws at you are always surmountable.

We are coming home for a week around Thanksgiving, and possibly earlier than that. John's dad is not doing well and has been in the hospital for close to two months. I'm not sure what's going to happen. If there's anything I can bring for you guys from here let me know, although I will not be stopping by Ideal anytime soon. :)

Take care, Heath
Heather, sorry to hear about your father in law. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help while you are up.
Naturegal, sorry I don't remember your questions.
Please ask them again and we can try to answer them.
And welcome if I already hadn't, I'm a little stoopid sometimes.

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