Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

Hi All!
Queen chick, it was very cool to "meet" you today! small world! Here's a pic of our incredible in edibles! I swear the chickens are mocking us, and you KNOW they'll stop laying the minute their worming med quarantine is over, the little stinkers. I can hear my mom swearing from two states over!!!:)
Hi All!
Queen chick, it was very cool to "meet" you today! small world! Here's a pic of our incredible in edibles! I swear the chickens are mocking us, and you KNOW they'll stop laying the minute their worming med quarantine is over, the little stinkers. I can hear my mom swearing from two states over!!!

Nice collection. I hatched all my worming med eggs last year. Had a great hatch from them too, they are all living on a farm and laying like crazy, so it seems that the medication didn't effect the embryo's too much.
Good to know...what wormer?
We had to use one of the nastier ones (forget the name now, a liquid goat wormer), we have been overrun by turkeys and were suspecting maybe gapewom. Apparently it worked, the girls have certainly perked up, looking at all the eggs we're throwing out!
Good to know...what wormer?
We had to use one of the nastier ones (forget the name now, a liquid goat wormer), we have been overrun by turkeys and were suspecting maybe gapewom. Apparently it worked, the girls have certainly perked up, looking at all the eggs we're throwing out!
I don't remember if we were using wazine or the goat wormer this past time. Either way, nothing to lose if you are throwing them out anyway.
Christina, we will definitely see each other at the congress. We can figure it out then.
I forgot tO tell you that Blue Seal feed was there and had a show special on feed. Loretta and I came home with a few bags. I'm going to buy it early 'cause they ran out of scratch last year.
I bought 2 young silkies and things worked out fine for me last year.
I really want Araucanas. So I don't think I'll come home with anything this year.

Hippy, I don't know if you want to get hooked up with me. I have crazy road trips for just about anything. Chickens, antiques,seeds, organic turkeys, just to walk in the woods, etc.......Your husband will kill us.

Crazy roads trips are fun... When my daughter lived in TN I would just hop in the car and drive the 12-14 hr trip and visit her for a long weekend. Oh and you mentioned quilting... I have the equivalent of a small fabric store in my attic! I am a quilter also and a knitter and I crochet. So I have yarn too... It's getting harder and harder to hide it all. Now with the chickens I have quite a few hobbies. Let me know what time you think you might meet in Wethersfield and I will be there. It's about a two hour drive from lower Westchester
And this is why we have all found each other... lol. I do love the idea of fabric and yarn, I just don't have the time to commit to another hobby. I do have a sewing machine and crochet and knitting paraphernalia, but I have just not made the time.  Maybe when the house remodel is done and I have fewer big projects in my head. For now seeds and chickens will have to do. When you come up for the sussex show plan some time to do some antiquing. I know about 15 or so shops near the fairgrounds that we could escape to for a few hours (if you like). There are usually a few flea markets on 206 as well (right down the road) that day. 

Uh oh... Antique shops. I love antique shops. The Sussex show is the one by you in NJ. I think in may. I definitely have to make that one! If there are antique shops by Springfield I might have to drive up and back on Saturday too. Oh dear, decisions decisions...
You guys are awesome.. Lovin my chickens, my antiques, my crafts! My parents say my husband and I should be a working a farm or an animal sanctuary. Im a teacher and he works for Ford. I'm in the right place, even though I'm still mostly a listener!

We have to get together. I'm a talker.
Morning All,
Bio... It was great talking to you also. Hopefully Dorothy only told you good things about me . We have known each other since 1985 when I moved down here from Ithaca. What beautiful eggs.

Hippy, sounds like we are cut from the same cloth. I have stopped trying to hide it. I too just jump in the car and travel up and down the east coast. I have had to keep the trips short since the chickens. My bucket list is too long to sit home. On your drives to TN have you ever done the "longest garage sale". I think it cuts through part of TN. It's on my list.

Christina do you still have my number? Be safe driving this weekend. You too Hippy.
Morning All,
Bio... It was great talking to you also. Hopefully Dorothy only told you good things about me . We have known each other since 1985 when I moved down here from Ithaca. What beautiful eggs.

Hippy, sounds like we are cut from the same cloth. I have stopped trying to hide it. I too just jump in the car and travel up and down the east coast. I have had to keep the trips short since the chickens. My bucket list is too long to sit home. On your drives to TN have you ever done the "longest garage sale". I think it cuts through part of TN. It's on my list.

Christina do you still have my number? Be safe driving this weekend. You too Hippy.
I do have your number. I might give you a call tomorrow. My weekend is getting complicated... my new pup scratched the older dog in the eye and now he is on 3 meds for his eye and 2 for his arthritis, the DD came down with a head/chest cootie the day before yesterday, and my DH decided that Friday and Saturday would be ideal to have the windshield changed in my car. He came home and said "was Saturday the day you were going to go to that chicken thing? I need to pick up your car". At minimum I will come up really early on Sunday, before coop out and then hit Wethersfield on the way home. We will have a visit come hell or high water. I need some time out of this house anyway.

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