Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

congrats on the fox catch
congrats on the vet tech career
and omg I love the railings for the roosts! I will be searching on garbage night for a pair just like yours! I have heard they will all fight for the top perch is this true?
Caleb apparently you have homing chickens lol
Oh yeah, the canopy. I kind of wrote that off a while ago...
Alot of the peeps in CT are pros, and we figured it's time to join the ranks.
They talk about how "many tables" they use for the shows.
Kind of like a flea market. So I have a little table for the jewelery 4 feet long.
And I got a 6' table to add to the mess.
Everything has to fold down to fit into my little VW.
So what if it rains?
The right thing to do is get one of those collapsible canopies.
The nice ones are like $200, but us rookie chicks are starting out on a budget.
Mrs cheepass CFG finds one at the dollar store for $20.
Not too bad putting it together.
I used the stakes it came with, and as an extra measure, tied it to a chair.
The wind starts up, and takes the canopy, AND the chair over my car, hits the car next to us, over the fence into the horse pasture.
I think we need  a better canopy.

Lol. My dad bought a canopy for $100. Screwed it down on the back deck,
First it dumped ice cold water on us from the rain, then it blew away (the legs
lifted out of the feet) and wound up a twisted piece of junk in the yard. Now
we are back to the table umbrella that we close up if it's windy.

:weee :celebrate :weee :celebrate

Ok for you peeps that are used to country living this is probably not a big deal, but for a suburban baby like me, I feel like a bone fide mountain woman. Woo-hoo!

Now the wildlife guy just has to come pick it up and release it for me so I don't get a citation. He's coming tomorrow.

Poor little fox, he's all mangy and scabby looking. Still I'm glad it's not going to be biting my children / infecting my puppy. Photos later -

Make a cap!

Coincidentally I had something similar happen in our coop yesterday. J. Lo is now sporting a very trendy looking purple patch on the back of her head. I think she was getting pecked because she gets broody and won't budge from the nesting box

Oh I'm gonna go steal the railing from my husbands porch!!
It used to be my house too, so why not. He won't miss them. :lol:
Lol. My dad bought a canopy for $100. Screwed it down on the back deck,
First it dumped ice cold water on us from the rain, then it blew away (the legs
lifted out of the feet) and wound up a twisted piece of junk in the yard. Now
we are back to the table umbrella that we close up if it's windy.
Yeah-we tethered ours down out in Montauk, with 5 gallon spackle buckets filled with sand. The thing still flew away, along with the neighbors blow up palm tree.

Ours landed on the beach-a good 200 yards away...then proceeded to float out to sea...It's probably in Massachusetts right now...

It's the second one we lost. the first one landed in a tree at southampton during a tornado 2 or 3 years ago while camping as well.

Those things should be cheaper, considering they become airborne.
Oh I'm gonna go steal the railing from my husbands porch!!
It used to be my house too, so why not. He won't miss them.
I'll come with and bring the sawzall.

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