Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

So excited! Picking up Gladys' new friend from Roberta tonight.

Designed some coop improvements, broke the news to Bobby. (He's so cute the way he acts mad when I tell him we need to do more work on the coop.) Of course, he's the one planning to run electric out there so we can put a light in to attract Gladys at night. Yeah. Good luck with that...

The babies did fine again with the light off. I think I'm going to get rid of the lamp and before I go to bed I'll heat up the room a little for them. I want to get them used to the change in light, and the colder temps.

These sub jobs are messing up my chicken time!

Al, how are you feeling??
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Holy cow I am so behind in this thread
Ok I read 20 something pages, good thing work is slow today

Al- Please add my name also! Thespoiledchicken is Trish
I hope my girls lay as many eggs as yours are laying (must be that awesome feed). Hope your feeling better and make sure you finish ALL that antibiotic!

Smkchick- LOVE the duck hatch pic- so cute could be a postcard. I am sure Gladys will eventually get the hint but I feel bad for her locked in the coop- how big is the coop? Is she still under house arrest?
My guys also LOVE Happy Hen Treats (the mealworms one) and I started buying them on Amazon- SO CHEAP! Kaytee makes a mealworm that is marketed for wild birds that is cheap and is the same exact thing- plus FREE SHIPPING

Chickendude- I am so sorry about your little girl
Chickens can be such bullies! I have on occasion chased a few hens that were picking on some others but mostly we have to let them work it out, it sucks though. I'm sorry.

Luvmy33chicks- Parents back from Kentucky yet? Can't wait to see what they bring back! How is you buff "girl"?

Stoopid- Pee wee is a cutie! Love the chicken dress, lol. How horrible they all sneak up on the disabled girl- mean roosters. She needs a spiked vest- that will teach em. I am thinking about putting some cute pink barrets on my polish girls head, stricly to help with the vision thing of course

WINTER CHICKS ARE RISKY but people are buying still so who knows.

Magsrags- lucky girl! LOVE that you were at the Martha show. I watched that show online a few times and I actually copied (of course not perfect) her perch system from her coops. This was modeled after Martha


I saw the speckled eggs that Traci was showing Martha and I too had to have a few wellsummers so I ninja some in
Told the hubby the hatchery sent me a few extra chicks as a "Thank You" and then acted like I was trying to figure out what breed they sent me, lol- should be getting 2 speckled eggs a day soon

Lichick28- WOW! Married 29 years, and happy. Good for you
I can't seem to keep a good husband yet, been married 3 x and this one is ticking me off to
o well at least he like chickens

Howlinggood- Nice Agway service by you! I wish i could get Agway to deliver to me, such a hassle trying to get there.

Carolyn- Nice coop pics! I saw the pic with your nest box and the Marans egg- looks like you are getting color 5 or better, impressive!

Well dh and I have been working hard on building another coop, almost done. Just needs roofing shingles and a paint job- can't wait to post pics. We moved all the little ones in (i guess about 50) with a divider split down the middle. We have 3 weeks and under on one side and 7 weekers on the other. Coop is 10x10 and only for sleeping and laying eggs- everyone will be freeranging during the day as soon as they are old enough to run with the big girls. My original coop is only 7x7 and well...chicken math

I am now on a sand vs. shavings experiment. My other coop has sand which I do love the ease of cleaning BUT I think if you don't clean it daily it kinda stinks. Shavings it seems can go the week without cleaning so I am testing out both to see which I love more. So far they both have cons and pros. Anyone have opinions on sand vs. shavings?

Suzanne, I'm hanging in there. Another CT scan tomorrow, ordered by the opthamologist for the full sinus, and then a visit on Thursday to the opthamologist and the ENT. Trying to cover all bases. Feeling slightly better today, but the vision is still an issue. The headache is better but I am keeping all appointments to make sure this gets resolved. I don't want to have this appear to be over and then come back to bite me.
Hey Trish
Parents just left today wont be back for a week. Fingers are still crossed for Autumn. I noticed little waddles today, but is probably because she's not bearded. My son freaked out earlier because he descovered Patty (partridge) has a vaulted skull. Thought it was kind of scary myself. I did some research and came to my own conclusion she should be fine. Another coop? Oh goodness. I may have to stop by soon when you're done and check out all your babies. Love seeing all the different breeds. Hope all is well. Talk to you soon.

Al you can ad me as luvmy33chicks as Justine
Although I may have more than 33 now LOL
Hi All! Just reposting this here in with hopes someone will have some input for me!

We were planning on moving our girls to a new coop and run in the next few days and I just came home and saw my landscaper spreding fertilizer on the lawn!!!!!!! I am wondering if it will be safe for them to scratch and peck in after it rains for a couple days? We are trying to finish assembleing the coop today and planned on locking them down in it to reset their "homing" instincts and then letting them out in the run after a couple of nights. We are expecting rain the next two days, do you think that's enough time for the pellet fertilizer to break down into the soil so the birds can't eat it? I asked the guy what kind of fertilizer it is and he shrugged and said "the regular kind" (in broken english).......
Al you can ad me as luvmy33chicks as Justine
Although I may have more than 33 now LOL

Justine: Gotta love that chicken math!

Al: Good to hear you're hanging in. Get all the tests, do everything they tell you. Deep seated infections like this are nothing to fool around with. I had a cousin who thought he had tmj because of the blinding headaches. Turned out to be a nasty sinus infection. I get vertigo with mine. Okay, I threw you a meatball - you can post some "dizzy" jokes!

Trish: We added 20 sqft of space to the run so Gladys wouldn't get agitated being confined. I plan to let her out tomorrow. I miss having her around. I love to see her free-ranging in the backyard. I love the perch set-up. I am planning to enlarge the coop/run again to make room for the chicks and Gladys' new friend and I think I want to go up on part of the run so I can put in a branch/perch thing for Gladys. Since she likes trees so much and all. Gave her lots of Happy Hen Treats, cracked corn and frozen peas this morning before I left. Guilt snacks!

They keep adding more sub jobs. I need the money but, hey, what about the chickens????

One of the kids asked me today what I was going to be for Halloween and I told them a ninja...
And now I'm in a dead zone = school. Is it bad that I'm sitting in a back office technically on a lunch break keeping track of my chicken buddies on the computer? I have one class to push in to and then I'm done.

I feel sorta guilty. Wait! They fired me because I don't speak Spanish.

OK, not so much...
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