Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

I went to Shirley feed today for dog food
and they have hundreds of baby chicks!!
Omg so cute. I was good and didn't take
any home. I should have just got chicks
from them to start with. This mail order
thing was such a disaster for me and I'm
Not getting new chicks till almost June
So no eggs for a long long time.

Anyways my birthday is in may so I
decided to buy myself a present.
The Brinsea octogon 20 !!
Yay me!!!

The trouble is..... My legbar eggs come
First week of may and Emu eggs take
Like 55 days to hatch so I can't do Emu
Before legbars and Emu don't lay in the
summer. What a bummer.

I know I know I can't keep an Emu so I'd
Just be wasting $20 an egg. But........
It's an EMU.

Maybe I can get legbars earlier !!!

Maybe I need to call my therapist.
No... I even have my therapist wanting
chickens Lol !!

Ok. Going to go clean the brooder
and enjoy the little ones I have and
Try to stop obsessing about more.
If you need a therapy session, you can come over my place and shovel some poop.
I won't even charge you that much.
If you need a therapy session, you can come over my place and shovel some poop.
I won't even charge you that much.

Nothing cures chicken obsession like a healthy dose of poop.

I'm trying really hard not to get depressed over losing my job again. I don't want to go back to that black hole again. So I printed out pictures of the chicks I'm getting in 2 weeks. All the chicks that are coming in that shipment, in fact. I realized I'm not going to be able to tell a BO from a SF or an EE from a Welsummer from an SS. Gonna have to study!

Bobby got the plywood and tar paper on the roof today. That's my boy!
Nothing cures chicken obsession like a healthy dose of poop.

I'm trying really hard not to get depressed over losing my job again. I don't want to go back to that black hole again. So I printed out pictures of the chicks I'm getting in 2 weeks. All the chicks that are coming in that shipment, in fact. I realized I'm not going to be able to tell a BO from a SF or an EE from a Welsummer from an SS. Gonna have to study!

Bobby got the plywood and tar paper on the roof today. That's my boy!

You have one seriously talented guy there! The dude I hired to come build my coop and give me four "starter" pullets moved from Red Hook Brooklyn to Phillie back in January. I think... he's an odd guy... there was a pretty good market for that he was just not business minded enough to work it out. Maybe you can pick up where he left off? Think about it, it would give you an excuse to hatch lots of extras, lol!

Also, don't know if you read this blog: but she has a book of old timey photos of people with chickens in the works. She needs your photo to be complete!
Nothing cures chicken obsession like a healthy dose of poop.

I'm trying really hard not to get depressed over losing my job again. I don't want to go back to that black hole again. So I printed out pictures of the chicks I'm getting in 2 weeks. All the chicks that are coming in that shipment, in fact. I realized I'm not going to be able to tell a BO from a SF or an EE from a Welsummer from an SS. Gonna have to study!

Bobby got the plywood and tar paper on the roof today. That's my boy!
At the rate I'm going my chickens will be roosting in my bedroom at night. I think I need to print out pic of the chicks I'm getting too. I need to stay away from the auctions. Yours will be here very soon! :D My 2 girls have about 3/4 of there feathers now. Soon I can take them on day trips to the yard. That should help me focus on what I have and and keep me from obsessing over wanting more.
Well, I bought an incubator. I can't help it. It's therapy. Really.

I went on to ebay just to look at the Lav Orp eggs I've been following and I searched "incubator". You know, just to look, right?

So there was a brand new Hovabator, turbo fan and automatic egg turner. $85 including shipping. So I did it. Hey, I'm not losing my job tomorrow, right??
I said, " RIGHT?????"

The incubator should be here by next week. I'm just biding my time on the Lav Orp eggs til we get back from AC. And if anyone wants to hatch some eggs after I do the Lav Orps, well, y'all are welcome.

And Karen, I hear baby Lavender Orpington chicks make excellent birthday presents for people with birthdays in May. Just sayin'...

Also, since the babies are coming April 12 or 13, maybe we do need to have a little group thing here to divide up the chicks. Whaddya say, Auntie Roberta? Come and have some BBQ chicken? (Unnamed, of course.)

The first Southern NY BYC Thread Annual BBQ!
Hatching chicks is gonna be fun.
Watched a bunch of utube videos on it
how to candle the eggs and what not.

I'd love a lav orp :)

I'm gonna be good. No Emu eggs
(this spring anyways)

Found a bunch of pics of the chicks I'm
getting, been studying them so I can tell
them apart. I think my EE is 1/2 SLW
she looks ALOT like them except she
has ear tufts and slate colored legs.
I can't wait to see what she looks like all
grown up.

My girls are such little beggars already
I can't look in the brooder without them
expecting a treat. I always put the treats
in the same spot so now they keep digging
all the shavings away making a hole where
I put them. Like maybe I hid something under
the shavings lol. They also threw a fit when I
Didn't put momma hen (stuffed animal) back
in the brooder after I cleaned it today. I put it
back in and they ran over and snuggled with it.
I can see it now, 2 full grown hens sleeping
with a stuffed hen in the coop. Hahaa.

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