Southern NY, Dutchess county and below

Met my friends Nancy and Bernadette tonight. Bernadette has the farm market. She gave me two heads of romaine lettuce, one curly lettuce, one red lettuce and a whole bag of wilted lettuce (for the girls). Plus some beautiful radishes. She wouldn't take any money. Or eggs (she gets them from someone already). All of us will be eating well for the next few days.

I had to go to 4 stores today before I could find decks of playing cards. Who knew? Since they closed the local Toys R Us, certain things have been scarce. But I wanted new decks of Bicycle cards to whup my little sister's you-know-what in Gin Rummy on Saturday night.

I found out tonight that one of my tutoring clients wants me to continue over the summer. Yay! That's two. So far.

And, tonight while I was sprinkling around some more grass seed, it started to rain. Gotta love it.

Life is good.
Well my husband knows I have more chicks. Even with the walls shaking from the basketball game he heard them peeping. He was screaming at me .I just told him I won them . Its either that or I blame it on you guys. He wants to know why I need more chickens.He doesn't like " cause I just do" He is yelling at me wanting to know EXACTLY how many I have down stairs..
Somehow for years its been OK for him to bring home every thing under the sun.
Well my husband knows I have more chicks. Even with the walls shaking from the basketball game he heard them peeping. He was screaming at me .I just told him I won them . Its either that or I blame it on you guys. He wants to know why I need more chickens.He doesn't like " cause I just do" He is yelling at me wanting to know EXACTLY how many I have down stairs..
Somehow for years its been OK for him to bring home every thing under the sun.

Men. Can't live with 'em, can't live with 'em.
Well my husband knows I have more chicks. Even with the walls shaking from the basketball game he heard them peeping. He was screaming at me .I just told him I won them . Its either that or I blame it on you guys. He wants to know why I need more chickens.He doesn't like " cause I just do" He is yelling at me wanting to know EXACTLY how many I have down stairs..
Somehow for years its been OK for him to bring home every thing under the sun.

Did you explain in terms of chicken math? They don't really count because they're small.
So, I was up at 1:22am. I know it was 1:22 am because I saw it on every clock in my kitchen, as I grabbed a flashlight and slipped my sons OSIRIS sneakers from heck on my feet. (OMG, my sons sneakers FIT ME!!!) and staggered out to the coop.

I heard raccoons screeching and they woke me up (grumble bad words at Raccoons) I also thought I heard my girls. So, in a freaked out panic I ran outside in my sons shoes (thank goodness I sleep in sweats. Scaring them off with a birthday suit isn't my idea of tough) The girls...are sleeping on a branch, very happily greeted me and flew down and came to me like "Mama! Did you bring the worms for midnight snack? WE LOVE YOU!"

So I had to gather them up, one by one and put them back in the henhouse. As I was locking up the coop again, I hear two raccoons, maybe 10 feet from me in the heavy brush squeaking at each other. In my half sleeping stupor I heard them arguing
"I can take her"
"No you can't she's too big"
"I'm really strong"
"No you're not"
"Yes, and she looks yummy"
"Since when do you like the ones in guiness pants?"
"Always did, just didn't tell you"

I started freaking myself out, so I threw a 4x at the bush and they shut up. The birds clucked to each other inside, and I went to bed. Where I lay there for 2 hours before my heart went back to normal and my muscles relaxed.

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