Space under coop


In the Brooder
Jun 6, 2018
Northern Alabama
Hello, I’m the proud new owner of 15 laying hens that are about ten weeks old!
We are building a coop. I see several designs where the coop is raised off of the ground, and some are more like a shed that is in the ground. My question is what is the benefit of the space under the coop? Will it be hard to clean? Any other suggestions? We’ve built the run portion and are about to start the coop just looking from this attached design.

Thanks for any advise!!


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The space under the coop is shade and makes it harder for critters to get into the coop. It could be harder to clean, so you may want to put in access doors to help, unless you plan on being able to still go inside the coop.
If you raise it high enough for the chickens to get under it'll provides shade, rain cover, and extends the run space. But as Flock in Texas noted, you also need to consider that it might be extra work to clean - and you definitely want it accessible enough that if you have a sick or injured bird hiding down there, that you can retrieve it.

My coop is slightly elevated at 6" just to keep it off the wet ground and to prevent rodents from tunneling under the wall. The chickens don't have access to the underside as I've covered the gap with hardware cloth. I had a rabbit run in under there before I put the hardware cloth in, and it was not fun trying to flush it back out.
I have eggs under my at the start but now all the hen know were to go to lay the eggs. even so when I build my next coop I will raise it up so the hen can get out of the heat

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