
After her treatment this morning, her feet look so much better already, the other ducks were swarming around so she Jumped out of the pool she was in and the ducks are already taking to her
Yeah I have b complex I put in her water. My drake has weak legs too so its normal routine for us

Nibbler, my drake, is the only one that has tried to shoo her away so far. Peep, Rio and Rudi are all cool with her. But she keeps following Nibbler around and I think he’s finally just given up and she wore him down 😂

I’ve never treated Bumblefoot before but this seems like a mild case and is already looking much better. I read it’s not contagious to other ducks, but can make the flock more prone to it. So we will keep an eye on them all and check their feet regularly

just glad the other ducks have taken to her so fast. We got her yesterday afternoon and she is already part of the flock
This is a video that the rescue I got her from took of her the day the got her from the park. Her and her 2 brothers had been dumped. They were fine and found homes. She had been in the water for a couple days straight cause her legs were so bad she couldn’t get out. Poor thing almost drowned cause she was so weak and could barely keep her head up

Those Pekins stick out like a sore thumb there in the Park. A knowledgeable Duck person knows there is something wrong with that picture! :barnie

Where are her Brothers or did I miss that part of the story? :confused:
Brothers had homes found pretty quick from what I understand. They had rescued 9 pekins from the park over the past couple weeks and. Sparkle was the only one they hadn’t found a home for

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