Speaking of Brahmas coloring.....


11 Years
Jun 30, 2008
I have 4 tiny light pullets, 8 tiny dark pullets and one dark roo.
I can't really tell which are which! they are only a few weeks old, but it seems some of the dark are chestnut and some are grayish?

Also, someone told me that dark brahma roos are a different color all together than the pullets? So what color would that be? How could I pick him out of the bunch? They are not marked.

Here they are all ganged together with a few other breeds, but maybe you get the idea

ttrjpbcz, you won't notice the difference in the dark brahma pullets and the dark brahma cockerel until their feathers start coming in. The male will feather out with large patches of white and black. The females get the all over penciled edges to their feathers. You probably remember the pics of my dark brahma roo...he's mainly black with large patches of white. Here is a dark brahma hen:

The grayish chicks are more than likely your lights. The chestnut ones the darks.

this is a shot of my LT Brahams the male is in the middle I'll check to see if I have a shot when they where a few weeks old pic.'s for ya
ok, you guys are great! I think I have it figured out!



Your left is 2 lights, then the dark ROO then a pullet dark??
ttrjpbcz, I think you got the dark pullet right - the one on the left. The one next to it that you think is your dark roo I'm not sure about. You see those white tail feathers coming in? If that is your dark roo his tail feathers should be coming in dark. About another week and we should be able to tell for sure.

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