Speckeled sussex roo


In the Brooder
Jul 30, 2020
I just hatched out some chicks. It didn't go well but that's another story. :( the roo is a speckeled sussex and hens could be speckeled sussex, isa brown, patridge rock, black australorps, barred rock, maybe a cuckoo maran not sure they are laying yet tho. 4 of the 5 chicks that survived look exactly like a speckeled sussex chicks, exactly! I have a hard time believing that out of all the eggs I saved that only the speckeled Sussex eggs Hatched. So I'm wondering does a speckeled sussex just have dominate coloring?


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Not dominate to an australorp's black color or a barred rock's black barred pattern for sure. None of the chicks belong to either of those.
The sussex's pattern isn't far different then the partridge rock's pattern so a cross between those would produce a chick that looked very simular to a pure speckled Sussex.
The isa brown is a hybrid. Simular pattern but with one copy of dominate white. Chicks from this cross would also look almost the same. There would be a 50% chance and getting a dominate white gene so if any chicks feather out with white instead of black in those areas it is the product of an isa hen.
If any chicks develop mottling you'll know they're pure sussex. The other crosses won't produce any chicks with mottling.
Not dominate to an australorp's black color or a barred rock's black barred pattern for sure. None of the chicks belong to either of those.
The sussex's pattern isn't far different then the partridge rock's pattern so a cross between those would produce a chick that looked very simular to a pure speckled Sussex.
The isa brown is a hybrid. Simular pattern but with one copy of dominate white. Chicks from this cross would also look almost the same. There would be a 50% chance and getting a dominate white gene so if any chicks feather out with white instead of black in those areas it is the product of an isa hen.
If any chicks develop mottling you'll know they're pure sussex. The other crosses won't produce any chicks with mottling.
Sorry I'm new at this when you say white in those areas do you mean the underside breast area?


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